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Back on the Enterprise (hours later)

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Back on the Enterprise (hours later)

Issac Merlin stepped onto engineering, not dressed in anything that related to the Starfleet uniforms. He wore a completely black attire anyone would wear for a funeral. A black blazer and black tie dangling onto his white collared undershirt.

He didn't necessarily have a clean face for a member of Starfleet. His balck raven hair met each side of his cheeks with a slight beard growing. Only it seemed he shaved those leaving a light ratio of beard on them. 

His years of hard work and dedication to Starfleet started when he was a teenager. Even younger than when his sister started Starfleet. It was quite admirable to meet someone like them or even to have known him for most of your life.

Brystal stood by the door, awaiting him. She felt excited to finally be working with her old friend. It had been too long since they'd seen each other. He was one of many people she'd trained with and went a few missions with while Callius was still training her.

"Brystal Pike," He said, extending his hand to shake hers. 

Addressing her by her name wasn't usually what he called her, but when it was formal he did. Usually he's call her, Bry or Pike when they weren't being formal. And honestly, she's gotten used to that from him.

She respectfully shook his hand, "Issac Merlin."

"I'm excited, honestly , Brystal," Issac told her, "Been a bit since we've been in a mission together and kicking ass. Playing the loudest rock music as we did so."

"It has, sir," Brystal replied, slightly trying to tease him by calling him sir, "And I feel like Adeline and Cauis got into the speakers for you to do your music."

She knew very well of Issac's love for rock music, it was something about him you could never forget. He played tunes like Green Day, Beastie Boys, or even Foo fighters when he was on a mission or working out. Putting on that tough assassin attitude before a mission.

But underneath that all, he was a nice man. A very good husband, father, friend, and a person who was like an older brother to her. Even his talents in acting or faking his death were just as good as his true self.

"Please don't call me sir. Call me Issac, I'd at least like to know you trust me by using my name," Issac instructed her, "And cut the formalities. We know each other quite well."

"Of course," She nodded. Officers passed by the two greeting each other, going on with their work. The ship had already started its course for Caera, a lot of work was to be done.

Brystal looked over to Issac's belt to see a gun and a dagger placed on each sides of his waist. The weapons were mostly hid by his blazer, hard for anyone to notice he was a carrying any weapons. Something that probably helped him on most of his missions. He was known for hiding weapons and drawing them out onto his opponents.

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