Brystal is the daughter of the great Admiral Christopher Pike. She was nobody special, nobody specific, but that all changed one day.
"Adventure for destiny in the stars."
[Star Trek: Reboot]
[Kirk x femme!oc]
Cover by @chasingmaybanks
Book 4 in the...
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The door slid with a hissing shut, leaving the two inside the small room. Rays of sunshine escaped the windows gleaming onto the seating area. A table plated with fruits and a vase of elaborate alien white flowers. Seats and couches circled around them.
Mudd took a long seat, clearly enjoy himself every second he had. Olivia stood directly above the seats. She didn't want to sit and talk with a careless con-artist and traitor, even if he was her father.
The room looked exactly like her childhood house did. Lifeless, colorless, except for the arrangement of lilacs and tulips in a vase that had been freshly picked every week.
"Sit, please. I welcome it." Mudd gestured, pouring a cordial filled with a red mahogany liquid into his shot glass. Olivia stared at him angrily, fury filling every inch of her body. Angst that she had wanted to scream right in Mudd's face. Wishing she could see him squirm at her fury.
"I hope you like the machine the Borg Queen made of fake sunlight. You'd know she's quite considerate of us, if your on her good side."
"Lovely," Olivia said, behind gritted teeth.
Olivia had been hiding an anger she had been feeling for so long. All those years of seeing her mother cry over her fathers betrayal. All those years of anger building up inside her could now be relieved if he saw what he had done. Seen what was so arrogant, the treachery, and cruel manners he had shown.
All those years she watched fathers with their little girls, smiling and playing, and wondering what she had done to deserve no father there for her. How the holidays and birthdays hurt to know that he decided to miss and never care. All those years of feeling like a creep and outsider to the rest of the world.
The hurt look in her mothers eyes at the mention of her father. Did he even care about the woman he married? He probably wouldn't even care that she took her mothers maiden name, Hale instead of using Mudd. He never did care and that's what pained her the most.
"Is this what you've been doing all these years?" Olivia said, controlling her anger. Instead she showed how curious she was to know what he had been doing all these years.
"Well with the profiting, stealing, and code breaking, I mean yes. For 19 years and hopefully continues for as long after. The Borgs found my skills valuable and I gave them my assistance," Mudd explained, taking a large sip of bourbon.
"The great criminal, Harry Mudd, helping Borgs. That's just another crime to add to the list,"Olivia said.
"That's true. The last time I counted there were about 683 crimes that you've committed," Olivia told Mudd, nonchalantly.
"683? I was hoping there'd be more." Mudd smiled.
At the little smile he gave, Olivia could've snapped at the moment. She could've a lost her cool, or at least what she had left of a cool. She didn't want to appear to this man as a foul mood, instead she was going to pretend he hadn't hurt her family.