033|| Edge of Sorrow

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Amaya looked at the tray of food that was set in front of her, noticing all the food looked exactly what her mother cooked

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Amaya looked at the tray of food that was set in front of her, noticing all the food looked exactly what her mother cooked.  Just the small cup of soup was brimming with red gumbo and the side of a crummy cornbread biscuit.

Her eyes darting up immediately to see Brystal in front of the glass containment. And Amaya's eyes did not deceive her from telling her this was Brystal Pike. She'd recgnoized her by her family's iconic face that meant 'let's get down to actual business.'

Amaya wasn't the least surprised to see her in a Starfleet uniform, yet not quite like the women's, it was more of a catsuit. Her mind began to wonder on why even Brystal would wear such a thing. Just reading her insignia of Second Officer was what made Brystal important to the Enterprise.

"I already told the first guard, I'm not hungry," Amaya spoke through clenched teeth.

"We like to treat our prisoners with a welcome and that may be all the food you're getting out of this. So either be hungry and starve your body or eat," Brystal responded, quickly.

"Witty as ever, are we now?" Amaya smiled, ever so slightly.

"Let's get to the point, shall we?" Brystal asked the criminal, "You have committed dozens of crimes, killing innocent people, and not to mention burned down some of Starfleet. Do you have any say to defend yourself against all these accusations for your crimes?"

Amaya's nose flared, angrily, "Now I see.....this is just a game of Let's Remember Every Tragic Thing That's Happene To Us."

"That game is somewhat of a distraction from the point," Brystal countered, "How will you plead to the accusations?"

"I think you're avoiding a nice game of remembering, but as always....not guilty," Amaya huffed.

"And why would you plead that?" Brystal questioned Amaya.

"Because it's not a crime to fight for Recreations who are in need," Amaya replied.

"By that you killed innocent pedestrians and food vendors with explosions and detonations," Brystal tried not to seem surprised as she read through Amaya's criminal record, "Some of these explosives damaging civilians homes and industries facilities."

"Why must you counter everything I say like I'm not right, Bry?" Amaya practically hissed the nickname at Brystal.

Brystal's hand around her datapad, slightly clenched in anger. Her teeth, not visible to Amaya, hardened in her mouth. After all these years, and Amaya acted  like she had some right to be so smug and call Brystal by her nickname?

If she could, she would've punched through the glass and slapped Amaya, maybe even had strangled her. But her body calmed, her mind telling her to focus on the interrogation. She couldn't let Amaya get to her head.

"You lost the right to call me that years ago," Brystal stated, "How could you defend yourself with pictures and footage of theses bombings? Evidence that's highly valuable to anyone who could come up with a reason for you to be sentenced to ten years of life imprisonment."

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