054||Wrong Turn

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Imara impatiently bobbed her knee up and down looking out at the view screen from the bridge

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Imara impatiently bobbed her knee up and down looking out at the view screen from the bridge. Spending the past few......was it hours or even minutes was all she could wonder when listening to the Vulcan or Uhura speak.

Inspections on board this ship were not as exciting as she thought it would be.

She could feel her nails digging into the console, having no idea how her brother was even enjoying this. He was questioning and engaging in a nice conversation with the helmsman and pilot. Having that usually interested twinkle in his eye as he listened.

 Maybe that was why she was commented for being just like her father. Always on edge, waiting for the blow or command for action, and always impatient. Something she showed a bit too much of recently.

"I've receive word that Commander Pike and Mr. Merlin have started their way to making it to the Abronath," Uhura told Spock.

"Any word from the captain?" Spock asked, turning his chair over towards her.

"Well, I recorded a conversation he had with someone. It's a bit unsettling it's with Cal and Via recognizing the voice.........we may need to keep an eye out."

"Indeed, we should. Was there a name exchanged between the woman and the captain?"

"Um.......Beatrice," Uhura answered.

"Take note of that, Lieutenant," Spock told her.

"Beatrice, really?" Imara muttered to herself, "Who still uses that name?"

"So orbiting around another planet close by doesn't look.........skeptical?" William asked.

"Do you have a suggestion, Mr. Merlin," Spock asked him.

"Well......" William nervously spoke.

"It's BORING!" Imara spoke up in a sing-song voice as she twirled her chair around in boredom, "That's what he's trying to say."

"No I was not!" William shot back, looking at his sister, "I do not want to bicker or fight right now.  Seriously though please act like you're okay

"Of course, I'm not okay! I'm stuck in a ship in space waiting for my father to make an appearance," Imara exclaimed, "This is.....the worst case scenario I could be in! Boring myself to death. How have you guys not had cabin fever already?"

The room turned into awkward silence.

Darkness was veiled over two figures both silently watching the party from behind a walls cracks. One man was quite tall and the other was rather short. But they kept the silence allowing for their secretive place be unknown.

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