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San Francisco, Anton Bar

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San Francisco, Anton Bar

Brystal sat on a stooled seat where a tall glass of golden brown whiskey liquid. Her black leather jacket sleeves around her body. She picked up the glass and took a swig of the drink. Loud music blared in her ears of songs she'd never heard. Peoples voice loud and shouting over every music beat.

Women were dressed in beautiful, glittered, and dangling earrings. Their red lipstick dressed their pale lips as they smiled at handsome men. Different spieces like: Bajorans, Betazoids, and Angosians took swigs of alcoholic beverages. She peeked at the clock seeing it was a minute before 6 o'clock at least.

A thumping of a cane caught her ears as well as the sound of someone's heels clicking. She didn't even crane her neck to see who it was. Two people pulled up a stool beside her.

"Wow. Both in record time. 6 o'clock on the dot," She commented. Olivia was wearing a blue jumpsuit with a beautiful golden necklace against her chest. Her father was still wearing the gray Starfleet uniform he had been earlier.

"Can I get you two anything?" She asked.

"No I think its better if we talk." Christopher cut in before Olivia could say anything.

"Fair enough." Brystal sighed. She met her fathers eyes, something she had gotten from him. She remembered every moment she had with him, and all the times she had come home in an utter mess from a school debate only to be comforted by her father. There was a moment of silence before he spoke.

"First things first. The council apologizes for the incident today that happened." Pike began.

"That's nice."

"That's not the point, Bri," Pike rested a hand on her shoulder, "I understand that you care about everybody, but that's something that pulls you down. Brystal, I think you're worrying too much is byproduct of everybody self being."

"Caring too much?" Brystal asked, furrowing her eyebrows in confusion.

"You haven't noticed?" Olivia asked, "You always try to make everybody okay. You are literally yelling at people any second they almost get killed."

"Look these men and women," Pike told Brystal, "They're their own adults. They have they the right choice to do whatever they want with the power they get from Starfleet. I know you may not see it, but it comes from a place of emptiness: ever since your mothers disappearance, you've left a place for everybody you love in your heart vacant. With all the crew members you've filled it with..it makes you overwhelmed. Like a motherly figure to some."

Brystal sat in silence, trying to comprehend what she had been told. Her heart had been broken upon hearing the news of her mother, Ava Kznati-Pike, who disappeared after a battle with the borgs. Her mother was the most beautiful woman she'd ever known. She rembered her smile, her laughter, how she danced, and how taught her everything about Starfleet. A hole had been scarred into her heart after her disappearance.

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