Brystal is the daughter of the great Admiral Christopher Pike. She was nobody special, nobody specific, but that all changed one day.
"Adventure for destiny in the stars."
[Star Trek: Reboot]
[Kirk x femme!oc]
Cover by @chasingmaybanks
Book 4 in the...
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"Hi, again!" Elsa waved in a fake cheerful wave to Jim, dashing over to the desk where Barrett was at. Knowing exactly what was going on. Playing the dumb act was never quite her style anyway.
Of course, her plan was always simple with how well she knew Caera. Probably wasn't too far different from what Starfleet had planned for Issac and Brystal's group. But she was a new woman army and had gone alone.
Appeared at the most populated floors to get a good look at what she was dealing with. Finding the secrets to getting to the level she needed. Eventually, coming in on Issac and Brystal's torture through their earpieces.
Brystal's face knotted into confusion, "What!? What do-do-what are you two talking about?!?"
"Big Guy!" Zach exclaimed, oddly enough his smile looked to the point of overjoyed as he rushed over to Barrett.
"YOU!!!" Grace, Callum, and Olivia exclaimed, simultaneously.
"Why did you go by Beatrice?" Callum demanded.
"Beatrice?" Issac looked at the four confused, "You do know that's her middle name, right? Elsa Beatrice Engstorm. A real 1980's name!"
"Do you seriously think Starfleet has every single detail in her?" Grace fired back.
"Fair point, but it should say her name," Issac countered before looking to see where Zach was.
To his surprise since he'd been trying to figure out the rest of the groups confusion, he found Zach talking to Barrett. Was this one of the people the kid knew? But he reminded himself what Zach had called Barrett.
A simple nickname of calling Barrett, 'Big Guy.' Though, he knew it could possibly be the case of other kids down there calling Barrett the same thing. He'd learned years and years ago with how hard it is to judge someone right away with how many betrayals he'd faced.
Barrett had been once part of Section Thirty-One, a Starfleet organization that Callius helped take down let ago. He'd run into Arik, joining as a keeper of his secrets. But even though Barrett had tried to kill Recreations, it seemed he'd learned to protect a few and care.
"I did as you said!" Zach announced to his friend, "I found people that could help me! Just like you said."
"That's good kid," Barrett told him, kindly.
"That makes so much sense!" Jim replied to what Issac had said, "I have no idea who would name their kid in this century-"
"Beatrice?" Elsa asked before the sound of glass being broken sent them looking back towards the windows.
The guards were stationed on both entrances, firearms in hand. Arik's orders seemed quite obvious now with the sudden shooting at the glass. It was either they put up a fight and or die trying to do anything else.
The sound of a gun reloading catching Elsa's ear, rushing she grabbed Zach. Not too hard though, but enough to pull him out of view. Before she looked at the others, instead of a sign of fear.....something else shined in her blue eyes.