Our Second Time

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Lucille POV

It was Friday morning, a new day, with new possibilities. I thought about what Ashley told me yesterday and I came up with my answer. I was already in love with him, so it wasn't a hard choice, but I wonder what his friends would tell him once they found out.
Still, I was willing to give him a chance.

At exactly 7am, he was at my door, so we left together to go to school. On our way, we heard a lot of whispering near us, because Ashley was literally holding my hand. Letting go of his hand, I told him maybe it would be best for him not to hold my hand, but he said he isn't bothered about what others think. Still, he didn't try to force me. He understood I was feeling uncomfortable, so we walked to school. Before entering school, I held his arm and told him my answer to his question he had asked me the previous afternoon. I told him, my answer was "Yes", and then I suddenly left him and ran away to avoid embarrassment. Standing there, still trying to let my answer process, he just smiled at my childishness.

About two minutes later, he entered our classroom and walked to his seat, before reaching his seat, he stopped by me, bent down and peaked me on my lips, leaving me and others shocked. Truly embarrassed, I dared not look at anyone.

Finally, reaching lunch break, I picked up my bag and left my classroom. My friends were just looking at me, like I was an alien or something. I asked them what was up with their looks, to which they replied, "What's going on with you and Ashley?", before I could even answer, Ashley came by me and said "Hey Babe, did you eat yet?", then he proceeded to tell my friends, that I was his girlfriend, and they can pass on the message to anyone else who wants to know.

Ashley took me away with him, to the pool area where we sat down, watching the other grades train.

I could not hold it in any longer and asked him why, in front of everyone in class, he had to kiss me.
"Omg Ashley, you embarrassed me, actually nobody expected that to happen, but the part that was so funny was that nobody said a word, they all kept quiet, waiting for the perfect chance to ask me".

Let them ask me their questions, I would tell them or even the entire world that you are mine, Ashley said.

Ashley grabbed my face and kissed me on my forehead. Nobody, and I mean, nobody, can change our relationship now, he said, then caught me and hugged me.

I smiled at him, and he said," You see, that smile of yours is meant for me only". We spent the rest of our break eating my lunch and chatting about ourselves. Ashley asked me questions and I answered and I asked him, to which he answered as well, so it was time to go back to our class for our next period. As we walked back, there were a lot of girls looking at me with envious gazes. I simply smiled at them and made my way to my class.

When it was time to go home, as I was leaving my class, Cindy came up to me and asked me what I was doing with her man.
"What man?" I asked, because Ashley had already told me that he was never really going out with her, she was just always throwing herself at him, so he just used to have fun with her, which she readily agreed to. He told me he didn't even sleep with her, due to being afraid he might get some disease.
"I mean Ashley, b..h!", Cindy screamed at me. "You will see he will use you, make you do everything for him, then discard you like the trash you are. Also, if you think he will sleep with you, you are only dreaming. I know him far better than anyone in this school. He wants things done for him, but he will never go all the way himself, so good luck to you. I am sure by tomorrow, he will be back with me, sucking up to me, to go down on him". After Cindy's verbal attack on me, I headed to the main gate, to meet Ashley who was waiting for me. He took my bag from me, held onto my hand, and we walked home, chatting about casual things. As soon as we reached home, Ashley asked me if I wanted to come to his house today because his parents were not there for the weekend. I told Ashley that I would ask my mother if it was fine, then let him know. He said OK and I ran inside my house to ask my mother quickly.

My mum said it was fine, and I must not come back too late, to which I replied OK. Then I went and got my supplies from my room and headed outside to Ashley. I told him, my mum said it was fine, so we walked to his house. As soon as we got there, he opened up, and I left all my stuff on his table. Soon after, Ashley ran to his room, and came out after switching his radio on, playing the song Shut and Dance With Me by Walk The Moon. Smiling at Ashley who was holding out his hand for me to dance with him, I placed my hand in his and started dancing with him. I couldn't believe Ashley was playing the song I played the first day he came to my house. He started singing to me ".... Oh! don't you dare look back. Just keep your eyes on me. I said" You're holding back", then it was my turn. I sang "She said Shut up and Dance with me". Then Ashley sang, "This woman is my Destiny".... pointing at me. We actually had fun dancing and after getting so exhausted, we stopped and Ashley went to make something for us to eat. I offered to help him or do it myself, but he refused and went to do it himself. Within minutes, he was done and came out of the kitchen with cold meat sandwiches for us to eat. Afterward, he got some juice for us. As soon as we were done, I told him I would take the dishes to the kitchen, which he agreed to. When I came back, he held out his hand to me, which I took, and he led us to his bedroom. There he started kissing me, saying how beautiful I was. He then started saying there were too many clothes on me, and he needed to get them off. As soon as he successfully removed all my clothes, he took my hand and led me to his bed, then he gently laid me down and started kissing my neck, then onto my lips, while mumbling to himself about how much he wanted me. When he went to my boobs, I was extremely wet between my legs. His fingers then found their way down to my paradise garden, he then inserted two fingers into me, moving in and out, while going lower and lower with his tongue on my body, until his tongue was where his fingers were causing absolute destruction to my walls. After making me orgasm over and over again, he slid his body directly over mine and pushed his rod into me, which made me orgasm harder as he moved in and out of me and rode me hard and fast. We were both an absolute moaning mess. After he ejaculated, he held onto me while I drifted off to sleep due to lack of energy. An hour later, he woke me up and asked if I could stay over with him, so we could be together. I agreed because I was going to an empty house, because my family had gone out and that was why my mum asked me to come home early.

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