Seeing Each Other After So Long

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Lucille's POV

Getting off the plane, I rushed into the car that was waiting for me. Sarah had sent a car to pick me up and take me to the ski resort.
I was dressed up warm enough for my liking. I wore a gray jersey dress, with a dull brow belt and black sock-like boots that went up till my mid-thighs. My hair was open, and my face had make-up on with red lipstick on my lips. I gained a lot of unwanted attention from people, though I just chose to ignore it. Soon I would be at the resort and I couldn't wait. About 5 minutes later, and I arrived there, taking my luggage to pull behind me and my bag across my shoulder, I headed towards the entrance where Sarah told me she would be waiting.

Ashley's POV

Selan told me in a few minutes, the missing member of our group would arrive, so I sat watching the entrance for him or her to come, enjoying a glass of Johnny Walker that was in my hand. As I took a sip of my drink, I saw the person we were waiting for coming in. She was walking past the windows, heading towards the doorway. I felt my breath stop immediately and saw everybody looking at me, looking at Selan. I was like, "tell me, I am dreaming?". Without getting an answer from Selan, I saw my goddess walk in with the biggest smile on her face, directed at Sarah, who ran up to her and hugged her. From the bottom, my eyes traveled from her boots going up to her legs, to the bottom of her dress, traveling higher to her belt and higher into the shape of her boobs, which looked like they grew more, then higher to where her neck was covered by the dress, onto her hair and finally landing onto her face, her lips my eyes seemed to be stuck on. That was when I saw her turning towards everyone, looking at Selan first, then moving around until her eyes landed on me. With surprise in her eyes and her smile fading, she looked at Sarah and asked "What was going on?" "I thought this was a girls-only trip?" Before Sarah could answer, Selan went up to her and said "Hey come here", "Give me a hug." "It's been years since I saw you last?", "Have you forgotten me?" Turning Selan's side, she said No and then asked can you tell me what's going on?, why are there males here? That's when I heard Selan's reply to her. He told her that this was their plan to get us to meet each other.
Feeling like I wanted to burst out laughing, I drank all my liquor in one go and said "You f.cken fool."

Lucille's POV

I was so excited about this trip, walking as fast as I could to get to Sarah who was waiting for me. I saw her and rushed to hug her. After I was done, that's when I thought I had seen Selan when I came in, so from one side, I saw all these familiar faces, moving my eyes from one side to the other. That's when my eyes landed on the one person, I thought I would never lay eyes on again. When our eyes met, I had to remove my eyes from his, and I asked Sarah what was going on. She didn't even answer me before her husband caught me in a tight hug asking if I had forgotten him. I told him no, and asked again what was going on. That's when Selan told me that it was their plan to get Ashley and me to meet. OMG, never have I felt so embarrassed. So I had to ask, "Why?" Sarah interrupted and said, "Let's get settled in our rooms, then we can meet and chat OK", to which I replied, "OK" Asking where my room was, I was told that it's where Ashley's room was. Saying OMW, is there, anyway, that I could get another room? They told me no, the resort was fully booked and they were sorry. Left with no other choice, I asked, "can you at least show me how I could get my bags into the room, Sarah?" Selan said he would take them, so I went with Sarah to the bar where we were all supposed to go to.

Ashley's POV

I am going to kill Selan, honestly. Not only did he get her here, but he is even forcing her to stay in the same room as me. How am I going to survive this now? It's better because at least she can take the bed and I will take the couch. But only one bed is going to be torture for me. I had no way of going home, because my phone was in my car that Selan sent back home, with my driver. My mind goes back to Lucille and I remember the way she looked. She has grown even more beautiful than I last saw her. Her boobs were just sticking out in her tight top. I can't believe I was actually getting hard at a moment like this. I don't know what I am going to do for an entire week with her around.

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