The Pain Is Unbearable

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A continuation of the previous chapter
Ashley POV
As we were holding onto each other, her phone rang, since the phone was near to me, I picked it up and answered it. Answering it, I came to know it was Rishab calling to speak to Lucille again. That was it! I was absolutely pissed at this guy, so I asked on the phone, "Why the are you calling my girlfriend?" "I want you to stop calling her before I really get mad". Cutting the call, I turned to look at her. She looked at me and said "Ashley, I don't know why he called, I swear". Getting more pissed off with her, I said," Is this the way things are when I am not around, you entertain other men?". Not waiting for an answer, I went to bed and pretended to sleep. I heard her crying, but I wasn't going to give in. I was mad as hell, because she is so naive, she has no idea about the effect she has on others and just thinks everyone wants to be her friend. I know we both didn't sleep the entire night and in the morning she came up to me and said she was sorry. I thought about it long and hard. As much as I loved her, the thing is, I am going back to South Africa, away from her. What's going to happen when I am not around? Is she going to be entertaining these guys when I am not around? What if something more happens between them? I just can't handle this anymore. I told her I wanted to break up. I didn't want to be with her any longer. As I was speaking to her, I could see the tears fully in her eyes. Not waiting a second longer, I took my luggage and left. As hard as it was, I didn't turn back to look at her face as I walked away from her. God knows how much I love her, and she will always be the only woman for me. i will never love another like I loved her, but I need to let her go.

Lucille's POV
I have no idea what Rishab's problem was. When he was at school, he never ever messaged me or even called me. Maybe it's a distance, but I needed to make him understand. Now the entire night. Ashley was angry at me. When I got up in the morning, I told Ashley I was sorry, but he didn't listen to me and my side. He literally just broke up with me. Shocked, I stood there processing what he said. Ashley took his luggage and left me. I took my bag and left the hotel room, calling for a cab. I asked to be dropped off at a park near my university. There I took my bag and ran to a nearby tree and fell, screaming out loud and crying. All the pain I felt because of something I didn't even do wrong.

Afterward, I walked to my room and collapsed on the bed, crying on my pillow. I couldn't live without Ashley. I felt like I was going to die. I checked my phone for any messages from him, saying he ws joking and couldn't live without me either. But there was nothing. No message or even a missed call, absolutely nothing. For two days straight, I stayed in bed, crying for my man, who had just left me like that.

The following day was my first class for that semester. I woke up feeling an unbearable pain in my heart. I didn't want to go to class and had called in, saying I was sick. I went back to bed and slept to escape the pain. When I woke up, I knew Ashley had reached home by now, so I took out my cell phone and called him. It just rang until it went onto voicemail. I tried another three times, but he just didn't answer. Feeling absolutely paralyzed, I sent him a message, asking him to please call me and not leave me. There was no reply from him for weeks. I contacted one of our mutual friends to ask about him, but she was hesitant to tell me anything. Eventually, she gave in and told me that she saw Ashley with Cindy, and she suspects that they are together now. Feeling like my life was being ripped apart, I cut the call and went to the medicine cabinet to find something to end my life with. Finding some pills, i opened the bottle and was about to swallow the pills, when Rishab came in and stopped me. He pulled it out of my hands and threw it away. Screaming and crying, I told him, it hurt so much, and I needed to stop the pain. He held me and said my life wasn't worth taking for someone who clearly wanted to move on and didn't value me. When Rishab came back to school, I told him about everything that happened, and I asked him why he was calling me and messaging me at that time. He told me that the surprise was that he was coming with was his soon- to- be wife with him and, since I am his friend, he wanted to share his happiness with me. He said he messaged me asking about when Ashley was leaving because he didn't want to spoil our time together.

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