Not A Happily Ever After

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Ashley's POV
Lucille and I had so much fun during our honeymoon. Afterward, I was supposed to go back to work, because I had important meetings to attend to, but after seeing my queen's disappointed appearance that I was leaving her at home alone, I managed to postpone my meetings till next week. I took Lucille out shopping, to the movies, we went to the park, and everywhere she wanted to go. Once we came home, I gave her pleasure, beyond what she could believe was possible. I have two more days to be with her, before I have to finally go back to work, so I intend on making the most of it for us. That night, I cooked dinner for us while she was in our bed sleeping from exhaustion after one of our sessions. I decided to set everything up for my babe outside, so we could have dinner under the stars. Setting the table up with enough napkins and candles, I placed the plates, cutlery and wine glasses on the table, while I went upstairs to wake my sleeping beauty from her sleep. Being kissed all over her face, she finally woke up. She went to shower and dress before she could go for dinner. Coming downstairs in her favorite black dress, she sat next to me, while I prepared a plate for us. Thanking me, she looked excitedly at the food, wanting to get a taste of everything I had prepared. Once we were done, we both cleaned up and went in to lay in bed and watch a movie. Watching the new After movie, we had fallen asleep, but I felt her come onto me, in the middle of the night. I pretended to be asleep to see what she would do, pushing my inside of her. I felt her moving on me. Not being able to pretend any longer, I said to her, "Oh Babe, you feel so good." "And you are so wet for me." Turning us around, I took the lead as I f.cked her over and over. Panting, we both held each other and fell asleep.

The next morning, we started again, giving each other the pleasure we both desired so much. Afterward, she went and took a shower first before she could go down to make breakfast for us. Straight after, I went in the shower.

Lucille's POV

After Ashley and my make-out session, I had showered, put on a gown and went down to prepare breakfast for us, while he showered. Preparing some fried eggs, and getting the sausages off the stove, I heard a knock on the door, so I went to see who it was. Opening the door, I saw the last person I expected, Cindy. Pulling my gown a bit tighter, I asked how could I help? She said she needed to see Ashley urgently, so I told her to come in and wait in the lounge while I went to call him, to which she replied OK. Leaving Cindy down, I ran up to our bedroom and told Ashley that Cindy was there to see him, to which he replied he would be down in a few minutes. Leaving Ashley, I went down to Cindy to pass the message onto her and ask her if I should make her some tea while she waited. She simply said No and she was there to see Ashley and not have tea. Hearing her reply, I nodded and left to carry on making breakfast. After a few minutes, I saw Ashley come downstairs and go to Cindy, asking her what she wanted.

Cindy told Ashley she needed to speak to him in private about something important. Hearing what Cindy had to say, Ashley told her that I was his wife, so whatever she had to say, she could say it in front of me. What Cindy had to say shocked me to the core. I felt like I had lost all feeling in my hands and my hand touched the stove, getting burnt. Cindy told Ashley that she was 3 months pregnant with his child and he needed to do her right by divorcing me and marrying her, so their baby could get his name. Not even feeling the pain in my hand, I looked at Ashley as he looked down, proving to me that what Cindy was saying was true. Without saying a word, I left everything in the kitchen and walked away, straight to my bedroom. Closing and locking the door behind me, I fell on the floor, pulling my knees up to my face, as I sat in shock. This was the man who made me endless promises, while he had impregnated another woman. Ashley had told me that he had slept around with other women while we weren't together, but what he failed to mention was that one of those women was Cindy. He told me that he would never sleep with Cindy, even if she was the last woman on earth. I also asked him if he had used protection with the women he had slept with and he said definitely. Ashley told me that he had slept with a total of 2 women only in that period of 4 years that we weren't together. Now Cindy is here and saying she is pregnant with his child. How will Ashley and I work this out? There is no way that he and I could stay together if he had another woman and child dependent on him. I would just be selfish if I did that. Lost in my own thoughts, I heard Ashley a few minutes later knocking on the door, asking me to open for him. Not replying to him, I stayed quiet. I heard him leaving after a while and I quietly cried myself to sleep on my bedroom floor. I stayed in my room for the entire day and night and even the next day I didn't go out, until I had heard the garage door open and close, alerting me that Ashley had left. He had sent me numerous text messages, stating that he was sorry, and he didn't know how it happened. He messaged me that he doesn't even remember it even happening between them and has told Cindy he wants a paternity test done. I didn't message him back at all. He kept knocking on my door asking me to come out to eat, but I didn't. When he had asked for his clothes, I had taken it and pushed it out our bedroom door, which I am sure he got from there. Before he could leave for work, he came to the door and told me that he was leaving, without hearing a reply from me, he had left. Now that he was gone, I opened my room door and went out, looking at all the photos of us on the hallway wall. I still couldn't believe how our lives could turn upside down in a couple of minutes like that. We were so happy together just yesterday morning. Walking back to my room, I locked my door and went to bed to sleep, because that was the only way I could escape the pain I felt in my heart. Nothing else mattered to me at the moment.

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