Finally Learning The Truth

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Lucille's POV
A couple of months had passed by and, Ashley and I were still going strong, he was very understanding about my partner being Oran for the Debs Ball, though he was always around when it was practise time.

About 2 weeks before the Debs Ball, Ashley had fallen ill with the flu, so he didn't come to school or even to practice to watch me for the past 3 days, I had practiced with Oran alone.Today, when we started off with practice, I was feeling uncomfortable because while Ashley was away, Oran kept touching me unnecessarily. Apologising, I asked to take a break for a little while. I stepped outside to be alone, but Oran came and asked me why did my boyfriend not come to school, all these days. He asked me if we had broken up, to which I had replied No. He then said he was waiting for the day Ashley and I would finally break up, because he (Oran) would make me more happier, than Ashley could. Before I could ask Oran, why he was saying that, he came near me and tried kissing me, which I turned away from, Oran then held onto my hand, pulling me closer to him, trying to touch me again, he was telling me, that he could show me, how much better he could be compared to Ashley. Without thinking about it twice, I gave Oran, a slap and walked away. I went into our dance practise hall and told our dance instructor, that I wasn't feeling well and was going home, to which she accepted.

Walking home, by myself, I thought about how much I valued my friendship with Oran, never could I have imagined that he could do something like that to me. He was my best friend, but now our friendship was over. I walked all the way to Ashley's house and went in to see him. As I entered Ashley's house, his mum was busy in the kitchen, so I asked if I could help out, she gave me, the task of making the salad, which I did, then went up to Ashley's room to see him. He was fast asleep, so I went on the other side of his bed and laid down next to him, while trying my best not to cry, but the tears were still coming out. At that moment, Ashley opened his eyes and looked at me, he asked me, what was wrong?. Why did I come home early?, to which I replied that I was missing him alot. I just didn't know how to tell Ashley the truth about what happened. Ashley sensing something was wrong, pulled me closer to him and hugged me. Honestly the best feeling is being in Ashley's arms, it's my safe place. I asked Ashley, how he was feeling and he told me, he was feeling much better now, especially after seeing me.

I stayed with Ashley until it was almost time for my mum to come from work, then I left, he offered to come drop me at home, but I declined, saying he just got better, so I can go home by myself, I would be fine. I got home and when my mum came home, I told her what happened in school today and now I am not going to take part in the Debs Ball. My mum gave me advise on how to handle the situation and asked me if I had told Ashley about what happened, which I answered No to. . She asked me why?, and I answered honestly that I know that, telling Ashley would cause trouble, but she said I should be honest with him and tell him the truth, so I said ok, I will.

The next morning, Ashley was by my door at 7am, ready to take me to school with him. We walked together and that was when he asked me, to tell him the truth, why, I came home early yesterday.

Ashley's POV
Yesterday when I saw Lucille come home early, which she never does, no matter how bad the situation was and her eyes clearly showed she had been crying, I knew something was wrong. When I asked her, she just said she missed me, that's why. I knew she missed me, because she came home for the past 2 days and told me that, but it was always after school, not earlier, like she did yesterday. I am not saying my girlfriend is a liar, but I knew she was hiding something from me. So I had to ask.

"Babe, you need to tell me the truth" , I said stopping and looking into her eyes. But she just put her head down and said ok, I will tell you.

She told me the entire story about how she was practicing with Oran and how he kept touching her, which she wasn't comfortable with, so she asked to take a break for while. How when she was on break, he came and tried to kiss her, then force himself on her. My love told me, about how she slapped him, then left to come home to me. I am glad that she chose to come straight to me first, but I was a bit upset that she didn't tell me the same time when she saw me, but I understand how she felt, so I forgive her. Oran on the other hand, I need to deal with when I go to school.

About approximately 15 minutes later, we arrived at school, so we walked to class and got ready for our first lesson. After all our morning lessons, it was finally recess, so I told Lucille, I will be back soon, I just needed to sort out something and I will be back. She said ok and stayed back to wait for me.

I went outside to go by Oran, who seemed to be waiting for me. Before I could say anything, he told me that he has always loved my girlfriend and she would be more happier with him than she is with me. At that moment, I lost it, it became a physical fight between Oran and I. I started punching him real bad. Eventually alot of students had to come and force me away from him, still I wanted to finish him, he had a black eye, and his nose was bleeding, but I wasn't satisfied. As I was going to go back again, I heard Lucille's voice asking me to please stop.

She came in front of me and said to please stop, it's not worth fighting. She made me understand that Oran is the one, who has to suffer the most, because she won't forgive him and he lost her as a friend forever. Then she told me in front of everyone, that she loves me and is grateful that I am her Knight in Shining Armor, which I should be proud of. Honestly I love my Lucille so much.

Later when we were done with school, we walked home and Lucille told me that she was going to have to drop out of the Debs Ball because she didn't have a partner anymore, so I said I will be her partner instead, which made her eyes light up about. She is mine and I know how excited she was to participate, so I couldn't let her lose out, that's why I offered.

Within 2 weeks, I had learnt all the steps to perfection for her and I was going to make it the best night of my angel's life, just you wait and see....

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