Questions That Are Bound To Be Asked

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Lucille's POV

Waking up, I felt someone holding my hand, raising my eyes to look at the person, I saw Ashley asleep holding my hand. Slowly removing my hand from his, I looked at myself, and I was wearing only my underwear, wondering what happened last night. I got off bed quietly and went to the bathroom. Once I was in the bathroom, I closed the door and sat behind the door, trying to remember everything from last night. Thinking hard, I remember drinking and how we played the game, then when I was asked to take off my dress, Ashley said that it was time for us to call it a night. Telling him good night, so he could go, while I stood up to take off my dress. I remember him coming and throwing me over his shoulder, thinking I was his property. How wrong he was. I belonged to nobody at all. I knew what I was going to do was wrong, but still he had no right. He gave up that right when he left me alone.

Turning on the shower, I washed myself and got out as fast as I could. I wanted to get out of that room as quickly as possible. Wrapping a towel around myself, I went out of the bathroom to go find my bag. Finding it, I took out my clothes and toiletries, turning back to look at Ashley. I saw he was still fast asleep, so I quickly put on my panties, and just finished putting on my bra, when he asked me, why are you dressing up so secretly? Have you forgotten that I have seen everything already? Without even replying to him, I quickly put on my clothes, grabbed my make-up kit and ran to the bathroom, leaving him laughing at me. When I was done, I came back to the room to leave my kit in my bag, when he said "Don't worry, I will not touch you until you tell me to." Turning back, I replied, "Which is going to be never" and I walked out. Walking out, I decided to just walk around, enjoying the view. I saw a couple not far off, and they looked like they were having a good time. I just stood there watching them, when I heard Ashley say to me, the view is nice, don't you think? I simply nodded my head and walked ahead.

Ashley's POV
Last night, I fell asleep watching her sleep. I looked at everything, I had given up when I walked out on her, the shape of every part of her body as she slept soundly. I got up this morning when she removed her hand from mine. I watched as she looked at how she was dressed and, with a shock, she walked to the mirror to look at her body to see if there was any evidence of whether we did anything last night, which she found none. Then she ran to the bathroom and after a while, I heard the shower running, indicating she was bathing. After a few minutes, I heard the door opening, with her coming out with a towel only, looking for her bag. As soon as she found it, she turned back and looked at me, to see if I was awake or not. Closing my eyes, I pretended to be asleep, so she proceeded to put on her underwear as fast as possible. Not being able to stand it any longer, how hard I was, I said to her that she didn't have to hide, because I had seen everything already. Ignoring me, she put on her clothes, grabbed a small bag of hers, then ran to the bathroom to do her makeup and hair. Then she came out looking as gorgeous as ever, so I said "Don't worry, I won't touch you until you ask me too. Replying to me, she went out of the room. I got out of bed, went into the shower, with my erection bothering me, I thought of her body and how it felt being inside her. Soon I was squirting my precious juice into the shower, still my didn't go down a bit. Thinking to myself, that I really needed to find someone to, I went out of the shower, changed and got ready to leave the room. While walking a little further from our cabin, I saw her standing there looking at a couple not far off. Looking at her figure from the back, I said "Enjoying the view", which was mainly for myself, but I saw she nodded and walked away. I watched as she walked away, looking at her butt in those tight jeans. I smiled to myself, thinking I really needed to get laid. I had to find someone fast before I did something to her.

As I went to join everyone else, I saw Lucille sitting with Theo, laughing at whatever he was saying. Making my presence known, I went and sat down, watching her look at me, then turn her attention back to Theo engaging in their conversation again, driving me crazy. Hearing Selan clearing his throat, I heard him say that we were all going to go skiing and Lucille declined, saying she would just watch us while she read, much to everyone's disappointment. Sarah told her that she was so boring, and I asked her if it was because she couldn't ski, that was why she was declining. She then told us all that it was not that. The thing is that none of us would be able to match up with her league. She said in America, she participated in a lot of skiing competitions and won. Not believing her, everyone asked her to prove it, which she did, and we were all left with our mouths opened. She then told us all that if there was something she could not do, she was not afraid to tell anyone.

That afternoon, everyone sat and spoke while drinking, playing a game, where we had to answer any question we were asked. I was asked what I do for fun, so I said I drink for fun. The next question was for Selan, about why didn't he and Sarah have any kids as yet, since they had been married for so long. I knew the entire story about why they don't have kids as yet, but before I could answer, Lucille answered. She said that maybe it's because they liked being by themselves for the time being and becoming parents isn't a walk in the park, so probably they were just saving for now, but soon they will have lots of kids running around. One of the guys told Lucille," I have a question for you now", to which she said "OK", so he asked her, "Why did I leave her? Did she not satisfy me enough, that now I am going from woman to woman?" Before I could say anything, I saw Lucille stand up and leave the table. I did not waste a second more. I woke up and punched the guy that asked that question, telling him I left her because she is too good for me and I cannot match up to her. My Lucille is like a goddess, and it's my biggest regret leaving her, which I will have to live with for the rest of my life.

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