Untold Plots Being Set Up

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Four years later....
Ashley's POV

Year after year passed, I still couldn't move on. I have now been handed over full control of my dad's company, and I am expanding it more and more internationally. I am a very rich business executive, but I refused every marriage proposal that had been sent for me.
I was still in love with my goddess. Most nights I still got drunk to the point of calling her, just to listen to her voice. She would answer, but I wouldn't say anything. I always wait for a minute or 2 then cut the call. Once or twice, a guy answered her phone, which I assume must be her lover or boyfriend. Sometimes I even thought that it could be her husband, because nothing is impossible. I did leave her, so I wouldn't blame her if she moved on.

I know that Sarah and her still talk, but I don't really ask any questions. Selan would not even tell me if I asked due to the fear of his wife being mad at him. Sarah is still angry at me and hasn't spoken to me all this time. Recently, my friends and I were speaking about having a get-together reunion with all our friends from school, which I said would be very nice. So we were going to organize it very soon.

Selan and Lucille's POV

Selan: "Babe, we are going to go ahead with our plan of getting Ashley and Lucille to meet".
Sarah: "I think that's the only way we can get them both to meet, so they can reconcile."
Selan: "I spoke to Ashley about the get-together, and he agreed it would be a good idea." "I think a ski trip would be better." "What do you think?"
Sarah : "That would be awesome, my mum would keep the kids and you and I could have some time alone also." "I have an idea on how to get those two together."
Selan, with an amused expression: "Well, let's hear it then."
Sarah, laughing: "Let's only get one cabin that they have to share." "We could bribe the manager by asking him not to offer another room if he is asked." "Then these 2 will be forced to just stay together." "Do you know that Lucille never came back to South Africa for not one holiday after she left, I know she has been avoiding meeting him."
Selan with a mischievous smile: "My naughty wife come here." "I never knew you could come up with such an interesting plan."
Sarah laughed: "We have to do this." "Those 2 belong together, you can just see how unhappy they are without each other."

Lucille's POV

I was packing all my stuff and finally getting ready to leave university, when my phone rang. Looking at the caller's ID, I answered the call, letting Sarah know that I was just about to leave to go to the airport. To which she replied OK, she asked me to make sure I got to her in one piece. Laughing, I said, I sure will.

For the past 4 years, Sarah and I have constantly chatted. She has been absolutely wonderful to me. At first, I used to still mop around, feeling sorry for myself because of Ashley, but I did pull myself together eventually. I started eating properly and gaining weight, making my figure even better than before, even though I had nobody I was with. I remained single and happy. I cut my hair and really took care of myself for a change. I started living again. I am an adult now who made decisions for myself. I worked very hard and made sure I achieved my goals. Now that university is over, I had to go back home. I hid away from the world for so long, I can't hide any longer, because the last bit of my studies needed to be done. For now, I was on break for the next 3 months, so I was heading home for a reunion that Sarah had planned for the girls only, far away from people we knew. Initially, I declined coming and wanted to just stay here, but she was quite persistent on me this time round, threatening to end our friendship if I refused. Not wanting that to happen, I finally agreed to go for it. It was a week away at a ski resort far from civilization.

Ashley's POV
The day finally arrived when the reunion was booked for. Selan booked a ski resort and promised there would definitely be lots of liquor and women around to choose from. I wasn't in any relationships, so I did as I pleased with my life, but not letting my fun mess with work at all. Work was something separate, and I kept myself absolutely professional about it.

Selan went first to organize everything, and I went later on. I bought all the liquor. I couldn't wait to see the women he was organizing for me. I would have fun with them for the week, then get back to life and work. Arriving at the reception area, I saw Selan with Sarah and my other friends with their wives, which was strange. It's like I was the only one who was going to be having fun with the women here. Still, I didn't mind, at least they would all be for me only to enjoy and discard. I was going to have so much fun. Everyone was sitting and waiting for one more person to arrive. They all finished booking their cabins, even mine was selected and booked. I asked whom we were waiting for, so Selan told me, it was one more friend. I didn't even bother to find out his or her name. Honestly, I couldn't care less. I asked about my women, where they were?

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