Our Gorgeous Arrivals

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Leaving Ashley and coming to America was the worst feeling in the world. All I wanted was to go back to him. It's been almost 2 months now since I was away from him. Every second of every day, I still miss him and constantly think of him. I wonder if his baby was born, because Cindy was a few months ahead of me in her pregnancy, so she would be due around now. I wonder if the baby will look like Ashley or Cindy? My practicals have started, and I have been given my own time slot to host my show. So far, I have done an exceptional job, which I have been lucky with.

Last night I was chatting to Sarah about her coming by the middle of this month for my delivery. She told me she had gotten a lot of clothes and stuff for the babies, which I was very excited about. We both spoke about everything we could think about, even about Ashley, when she asked me if I was sure about not telling him that he was the father. After a few minutes, I told her, I was sure.

That evening, I had plans to go out for dinner with my colleagues as a celebration of the number of subscribers we received. Changing into a nice baby doll dress, I did my hair in an upstyle and left my hotel room. We all had a nice dinner and later went bowling. Everyone was drinking besides me because of my condition. After a while, I told everyone I was going to leave, because I was not feeling well. I was getting pains in my lower belly. My senior manager, Mark, a well-built guy in his 30s, offered to take me home. I did decline, saying I would take a taxi, but he didn't accept my answer. Going with him, he drove me straight to my hotel. When I jumped out, he walked me to my hotel room. There he told me to call him if anything happened. Thanking him, I said "I will" and went inside.

Inside my hotel room, the pains were getting worse each minute, so I decided to go take a shower to relieve the pain. Taking a towel from the bathroom cupboard, I stopped when I heard a noise in my bedroom.
Deciding to check where the noise came from, I went into my bedroom. That was when I saw Ashley on my bed. Looking at him, I asked "What he was doing here and how did he get in?" He said he told reception that "I was his wife and he wanted to surprise me." Thinking to myself, I needed to have a word with reception, but lost all my thinking capacity as I was hit with another sharp pain below my tummy. Holding my stomach, I told Ashley, I needed to go and shower, then I would be back to talk to him. As he agreed, I ran into the bathroom, when suddenly I felt water running down my legs. Screaming for Ashley to come fast, which he did, I asked him to please take me to the hospital, because I was in so much pain. Within seconds, Ashley carried me and put on a bathrobe for me, before carrying me to his van, so he could get me to the hospital fast.

As soon as we reached the hospital, he carried me screaming and crying inside. The nurse told him which room to put me in, and she ran to call my doctor as soon as possible. Within a few minutes of me screaming, the doctor arrived and said he needed to get my babies out now. The pain intensified as the contractions were getting stronger. Ashley was given scrubs to put on before he went to where the doctor was. After a few pushes, Ashley pulled out our little boy first, then straight after our little girl was pulled out. Feeling drained of all my energy, I asked "Are my babies fine?", to which the doctor replied "Yes" Relieved, I fell asleep straight after.

When I awoke, I noticed I was in a completely different room and Ashley was fussing over both our babies. Seeing that I was awake, he carried them over to me and said to them, "Hey, look, your mommy is awake now ". He then bent a little to show them to me. Looking at my gorgeous babies, tears rolled down my eyes as I looked at them. Kissing me on my forehead, Ashley said "You did great, my goddess."

He then put our little boy in my arms, as he held our little girl in his arms. So I asked "Why only one, I want both", to which he replied "I would like to spend a little more time with my princess for now." At that moment, his princess started crying, showing us that she was hungry. Laughing at Ashley, I said, "It looks like your princess needs me now". Handing her over to me to feed, while he took our son, we heard a knock on the door. Opening the door, Selan and Sarah both walked in with so many balloons. Absolutely excited, she ran to me and hugged me, before giving Ashley a hug and congratulating him. She then went to our baby boy and carried him, while I carried on feeding our little girl. After a little while, our little boy was screaming his lungs out because he was hungry, so I took him to feed him. After both my babies were fed, burped and changed, the nurse came in to take them for their vaccinations and check-ups. Both Sarah and Selan went out with them as well, leaving Ashley and me alone. Pulling a chair, Ashley came and sat by me, asking the one question that had been on his mind. The one question he came all the way to America to ask me.
He looked at me and asked "Why?"......

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