The Queen's Emerald

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(Picture coming soon.)

Dahlia walked through the forest. The fog was so heavy that she could barely see past the trees.

"Oh, where on earth am I?" She muttered as she climbed up a rock.

"Go further, Dahlia." Said a deep voice that echoed through the forest. "Go further."

So Dahlia obeyed. She walked deeper into the forest until she came upon a big waterfall.

"Behind this waterfall, you will find what you are looking for."

Dahlia blinked. "But I'm not looking for anything."

"Go behind this waterfall."

"Why? What will I find there?"

But the voice didn't respond.

So Dahlia walked forward, down a hidden path behind the waterfall. Only the slip and fall into the waters below.

Then, Dahlia awoke and sat up in her bed. She rubbed the sleep out of her eyes and looked out the window of her room to see that it was early morning.


"Wow. That was a strange dream." Silvius said when Dahlia had finished telling him about it. The two of them were sat on the porch of the young Mumrik's cabin.

Dahlia nodded. "I've dreamt many times that I'm falling, or that I'm flying just by waving my arms, or that I can't run. But I've never been told I'm looking for something."

"Amd you're sure you're not looking for something?"

"I thought and thought about it, but no, I'm not looking for anything."

"That is odd." Silvius hummed. "Have you ever seen that waterfall before?"

She shook her head. "No, I haven't. Never. But I have heard about a waterfall. One that you can walk behind."

"Who told you about it."

Dahlia just stared at him. "You did."

Silvius' eyes widened and his tail flicked. "Huh? I did?"


The Mumrik thought for a moment. "I don't recall. Papa must have told me about it."

"Could we ask him?"

"Sure!" Silvius stood up and opened the door to the cabin. "Papa!" He called out, jogging into the kitchen with Dahlia following.

Snufkin looked up from his sandwich. "What is it, little beast?"

"Well, Dolly has been having this dream where she's looking for something behind a waterfall." The little Mumrik explained. "And you told me about a waterfall nearby that you could go behind."

He took a bite of his sandwich and nodded. "That's right. In the northern part of Lonely Mountains."

"Could you take us there to see it, Uncle Snufkin?" Dahlia asked. "For some strange reason, I can't get this dream out of my mind."

Snufkin hummed. "It was only a dream."

"But there's something important about it. You'll take us there, won't you?"

"Well, I don't see why not."

"You're going on a trip then?" Lulamoon finally spoke up. She had been stirring some stew in a pot on the stove.

"We'll leave in the early morning." Snufkin told them and the kids smiled at each other.

Lulamoon giggled and handed him a bowl of the stew. "I'll make sure to pack you a lunch them."

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