The Fancy-dress Ball

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Snorkmaiden and Little My headed up to Moomin House. They saw Moomin leave through the side door but he just told them to go in and left. The two went in and we're greeted by Moominmama. "Oh dear. Moomin's decided to go off somewhere again. Did you see him on the way here?" She asked.

"Yes we did." Snorkmaiden told her. "But he didn't say where he was going."

"Oh, I see." Mama walked over to the living room table where Mrs. Fillyjonk and Moominpapa were sat.

"He's taken to going off on his own recently but he never tells us where he's going." Papa explained.

"Yes, some special secret maybe. It's better not to ask to much." Mama turned back to the girls. "Anyway Snorkmaiden, I'm so glad you and Little My are here. You see, Mrs. Fillyjonk has invited all of us to attend a Fancy-dress Ball!"

"Like a costume ball?" Asked Snorkmaiden.

"Yes." Fillyjonk spoke up. "We haven't had a Fancy-dress Ball for years now. And it's going to be held in the old Manor house, you know. It's a very grand old mansion house and it looks suited for people who have been very well brought up. A good family lives there."

"I must say, it's very nice of them to invite us." Said Papa.

"I've been specifically asked to invite every family in Moomin Valley to this Fancy-dress Ball. Not one family is to be left out! Except, well-" Fillyjonk was cut off by a knock on the door.

Moominmama opened the door to reveal the medic witch on the other side. "Oh! Lulu!"

Lulamoon smiled. "Hello Mama! You asked me to bring you the strawberries from my greenhouse once they were ready for harvest."

"Oh course, come on in!"

As soon as the witch stepped in, she was bombarded with excited chatter from Snorkmaiden and Little My.

"Guess what Lulu! There's going a Fancy-dress Ball!" Snorkmaiden exclaimed.

"And everyone in Moomin Valley is invited!" Little My added. "There's gonna be food and dancing and we get to dress up with wigs and stuff!"

Lulamoon giggled. "Sounds like fun."

"Actually," Fillyjonk cut in. "There is someone I was told not to invite."

That caught Papa's attention. "Oh? Who?"

Fillyjonk turned to Lulamoon. "I'm sorry dear." She said honestly. "But they know you're a witch and are quite scared of you. Also, a lot of people will be at the party and they worry that some guests might refuse to come if a witch is going."

Papa huffed and but Lulamoon just nodded. "That's alright Fillyjonk. I'm aware of how some people see witches and they're not entirely at fault. Some witches aren't very nice."

"It's quite a shame. You're a very sweet girl but they just don't know you as well as we do."

Lulamoon blushed and turned to her friends. "I'm sure you two would like to go."

"Well of course we would!" Yelled Little My. "And we'll dance all night long! Won't we Snorkmaiden?"

Said girl sighed dreamily. "Of course we will! I can't wait!"

Fillyjonk smiled at her. "And there's a young man, Snorkmaiden, I'd like to introduce you to. Very handsome if I may say so."

"A young man?"

"Oh yes, from nobility."

Little My stepped up to Fillyjonk. "Moomin is suitable for Snorkmaiden. You may introduce me to this young man instead, if you please!"

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