The Discover of a Wrecked Ship

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Snufkin sat by his river playing around with some leaves and a toothpick when he heard footsteps behind him. "Hello, Snuf-OOF!" He turned and saw Lulamoon had tripped over some stray wood from his campfire and faceplanted next to him. He chuckled and looked back down and continued to work. "Hello Lulu." He greeted her. Getting use to the nickname their friends gave her. "Are you alright?"

"I'm fine!" She chirped happily and sat up. Brushing some grass off her dress. "I had nothing to do today so I thought I'd come hang out with you!"

The sight of her looking so happy to hang out with him made him feel warm and fuzzy for some reason. "Well me and Moomin were gonna go on an adventure today. But I'm sure you can ask if you can come along."

"I don't want to intrude..."

"Oh, I'm sure he won't mind." He leaned forward and set his creation down on the water. They watched as it floated down the river.

"Hi Snufkin!" A voice shouted and they looked up to see Moomintroll running across the bridge.

"Hello Moomin! Didn't think you were coming!"

"Sorry I'm late. What's that?" Moomintroll asked when he finally reached them.

"A leaf boat. Look! It sails on the river just like a real one. I bet it goes all the way down to the sea. And maybe even to some foreign lands!"

"Gosh Snufkin, I'd like to do that one day."

"Well? Let's go then shall we?" Snufkin stated and started walking up the hill.

"Oh, Hello Lulu!" The Moomin boy greeted the witch when he noticed her getting up. "Are gonna join us?"

Lulamoon nodded a little. "Is that ok?"

"Sure! You do all sorts of exciting things with plants and magic!" He said as they followed Snufkin up the little hill. "Little My wanted to come but I told her it was to dangerous."

Snufkin, who had reached the top, looked towards the Moomin House. "Hmmm. Perhaps that wasn't the best thing to say." He then pointed towards the house where Little My, Sniff and Snorkmaiden were running towards them.

"Oh, dear." Lulamoon mutter. "I hope you don't mind more tag alongs."


They all went to the part of the beach that had huge rocks. Snufkin led them to a big rock wall and stopped at the base of it. "Are we really gonna climb up there?" Sniff asked as they all stared at the wall.

"Look, I don't think we can all go." Snufkin stated.

Snorkmaiden shook her head. "Well I'm not climbing up there."

Little My crossed her arms. "Well I am!"

"Wouldn't you like to keep me company instead?"

Snufkin turned to them. "Look, there's a cave just a little further along this path. Why don't you wait for us there? We won't be long." Moomintroll started to climb and Snufkin turned to Sniff. "Are you coming with us Sniff?"

"Uh, I think I'll guard the rear. Protect the cave from below."

Moomintroll paused and shot Sniff a look. "Oh yeah?"

"Well someone has to look after the girls! Someone responsible!" Sniff, Snorkmaiden and Little My started to continue down the path to look for the cave.

Snufkin turned to Lulamoon and hesitated to ask if she wanted to come. Sure, he wants to take her on adventures and let her have fun but-

He remembered her getting stuck in a thorn bush...and getting stuck in a log.....and tripping over fire wood.

Moominvalley  (Snufkin x OC)Where stories live. Discover now