Snufkin Leaves Moomin Valley

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Fall has come to Moomin Valley and the memory of sunshine filled hours fade as the days become shorter and the nights longer. The wind blows away the fallen leaves and the blue skies of summer become grey and cloudy.

Lulamoon was at Moomin House when Sniff came in with a broken record player. He put it on the table and Papa started to take it apart to fix it. Soon enough, music started to play. Snorkmaiden and Little My showed up just as Papa and Mama were showing them how to dance. "Right, have you got the idea now?" Mama asked.

"Yes, I think so." Said Moomin.

"Come on. Let's see you then!"

Moomin nodded and bowed to Snorkmaiden. She took his hand and started to dance. It was a bit out of step but they did a pretty good job for their first try.

"Well then." Little My spoke up. "Can you dance Sniff?"

"I've never tried."

"Right. Well try now."

Sniff took her hint and bow to her and they went off the dance. Sniff kept bumping into the others but they all had fun. Lulamoon smiled as she watched from her spot on the couch.

They all stopped when the song ended. Mama smiled. "That was fun."

"Dancing never use to ware me out like this." Papa said.

Little My crossed her arms. "You've got no rhythm at all, Sniff."

"I can still dance though. Can I?"

Moomin started the song again and Mama asked Papa to dance again but he wanted to take a break so she danced with Sniff instead. Little My pulled Lulamoon off the couch to dance with her.

The witch giggled as her and Little My danced and spun around. Lulamoon twirled away and bumped into someone. She tripped on her feet and fell but their arms wrapped around her and stopped her. Holding her in a dip.

Lulamoon looked up and met familiar brown eyes. She smiled and laughed. "Hello Snufkin!"

He chuckled and pulled her back up to her feet. "Hello Lulu."

The record started skipping so Papa stopped the music and looked at it. "I'm afraid it's broken." He said. "Snufkin, do you know anything about record players?"

Snufkin stepped up to them. "No. I'm afraid not. But I'll play my harmonica if you want to continue to dance."

Moomin nodded. "Oh, yes! That'd be great Snufkin! Thanks!"

Snufkin pulled out his harmonica and started to play. Lulamoon smiled and sat on the couch again. Listening to tune and watching the other dance around.


Lulamoon watched as Snufkin put a leaf boat on the river and let it go. They watched as the water carried the little boat off into the distance. "You're thinking about going away again, aren't you Snufkin." Said Moomin who was sat on the bridge. Snufkin just hummed in responce. "I know that you go south ever year when winter comes but I'll still miss you though and I wish you could stay here in Moomin Valley."

Snufkin looked up at him. "I know Moomin."

They walked to the sea and stood on a cliff that over looked the water. "Who are they?" Moomin asked when he spotted boats in the distance.

"Looks like hattifatteners." Said the witch.

"I wonder where they're going."

"I don't know." Snufkin spoke. "A deserted island, I expect."

"Probably the best place for them." Moomin watched them for a while before turning back to his friend. "When are you leaving Snufkin?"

"Oh, I haven't decided yet."

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