The Secret Dish

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It was a beautiful day in Moomin Valley, so everyone decided to have lunch outside. The dining table was moved out onto the grass and Moominmama brought out the food while Moomin, Snorkmaiden, Sniff and Little My were all playing jump rope.

"Come on everyone! The pancakes are ready!" Mama called out and everyone moved to the table.

"I just love pancakes! They're delicious!" Said Sniff as he stuffed his face.

Mama smiled. "Thank you Sniff. I'm glad you like them."

"They're alright, but a bit boring." Little My stated. "Seems to me we have them all the time."

Moomin looked at her. "Well it seems to me that you're really enjoying them."

"I didn't say they weren't good. You obviously weren't listening. All I said was that it would be nice to have something different now and then." Little My looked up. "Right Moominpapa?"

"Huh? Well uh.." Papa stuttered out when he was caught of guard by the sudden question.

"Papa doesn't really want new and unusual foods anymore." Said Moomin. "He's had enough on all his travels."

"Like what?" Sniff asked.

"Like barbecued monsters!" Little My food her silverware down and made a scary face at him. "With lots of fungus jelly in their fangs!"

Sniff gasped and turned to Papa. "You did?!"

Papa laughed. "No I didn't! I've never had anything quite like that."

"Tell us about some of the dishes you liked!"

"Let me see..." Papa thought for a moment. "Yes. I did have something really special once."

"You did? What'd it taste like?"

"Well, it was the wonderful dish I've ever tasted." He muttered, remembering it. He blinked when he realized that Moominmama was watching them and listening. He cleared his throat. "B-but, of course, it wasn't anything as good as Moominmama's cooking!"

That night Moominmama searched her and Papa's bedroom. "Oh, where is it?" She muttered as she looked through the cabinet. "I know it's in here somewhere. Ah! There it is!" She pulled out her grandma's book of remedies and recipes. She sat on her bed and flipped through it until she found the page she wanted. "Here we are! 'What to do when you realize that your family has become bored of your cooking.' Excellent!"


Snufkin had gotten up before the sun to do some early fishing. He looked over and saw smoke coming from the chimney of Moomin House so he walked over to it to investigate.

Snufkin could see through the window that the light to the kitchen was on so he opened the back door to peak inside. There was a pot on the stove and the lid was starting to rattle so he ran over and pulled the lid off. Just then, Moominmama walked in with a backpack her arms. "Snufkin?"

"I think this was going to boil over." He told her.

"Oh dear!" She placed the bag on the table and took the lid from him. "Good morning Snufkin."

"Good morning Moominmama. You're making a lot of food this morning. Is someone going on a trip?"

"Yes. I'm going on a trip."

His eyes widened. "You Moominmama?"


Moominmama went back up to her bedroom and left a note saying that she was going on a trip in search for an ingredient for a special dish and that she was going to be gone for four or five days. When she came back down, Snufkin was gone. Mama continue her packing and then set out just as the sun was starting to rise.

Moominvalley  (Snufkin x OC)Where stories live. Discover now