The Lighthouse

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Moomin came running out of his house and down the dirt path towards the bridge. "Snufkin!" He called out as he made his way towards his friends camp. Snufkin came out of his tent when he heard Moomin coming.

Moomin told him how Papa had a dream about a Lighthouse and now he wants to go on another boat trip to live there for a bit.

"Does Moominpapa want all of you to go away to this Lighthouse?" Snufkin asked as he sat near the river.

Moomin sat next to him. "Oh yes! It'll be great fun! Just think of all the ships we'll be able to see! Papa says he wants to write an exciting story about the see. With ships and storms and stuff! Probably pirates too!"

"Ah, he's stuck writing his memoirs again, is he?"

"Well, I guess that might be something to do with it. But I think he just wants another adventure. He's bored."

"Well it sounds a bit odd to me, Moomin."

"No it's not. We're going to live in a real Lighthouse and save ships from the rocks and from being wrecked in terrible storms!"

"Oh, I see. What do you think the Lighthouse keeper might say about you moving in?"

"He won't mind at all! It'll be company for him and I'm sure he'd like someone to talk to. Looking after a Lighthouse is a very lonely job."

Snufkin lied back on the grass and put his hat over his face. "Ah, but that might be exactly why he chooses to do it."

"You mean that he might want to be on his own all the time?"

"Well, some people like it like that."

"Sometimes I like being on my own."

"Not for long though." Snufkin teased.

Moomin reached closet and took Snufkin's hat off his face. "It'll be a lot of fun." He changed the subject. "Why don't you come with us?"

Snufkin opened his eyes and looked at him. "What, to a lonely Lighthouse?"



Moomin and Snufkin went up to Moomin House just as Papa pulled out a big map to look for the light house. Snufkin immediately spotted his witch who had turned at the sound of the door opening. "Hello Lulu."

Lulamoon smiled and kissed his cheek. "Hello Love."

His heart soared.

"There! That's the one!" Papa exclaimed and he pointed to a small spot on the map.

"Huh? Where?" Little My was on the table. Looking at the little speck that Papa had pointed at. "It's so small you can hardly see it!"

"How long would it take to get there Moominpapa?" Snufkin asked.

"Oh, a day or two I should think. Depending on the wind of course. Now, I've got my compass and the map and at night we'll be able to see the light. Like an old sailer."

"An old sailor?" Little My scoffed.

"Well I'm not really that young."

"And you're no sailor."

"Is this mutiny?" Moomin asked.

"Shut up!"

Moominmama came in from the dining room and looked at her husband. "How long do you want to stay, Papa?"

"About a Month." He told her.

"Oh, we'll need to take lots and lots of food then."

Papa looked into the dining room and saw a bunch of food and kitchen stuff piled on the table. "Well, bless me, I think that'll be enough Mama."

Moominvalley  (Snufkin x OC)Where stories live. Discover now