The Secrets of The Hattifatteners

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The storm raged outside as everyone sat in the tent. They could hear the waves crashing against the island and the loud thunder getting more frequent. The wind shook the walls of the tent but Moominpapa made sure the tent was tied down securely. "Now listen Mr. Hemulen," Moominpapa started. "When the storm clears we must give this barometer straight back to the hattifatteners.

"I quite fancy keeping it myself. To remind me of the island." Hemulen said as he picked up the barometer and looked at it. "You know, it seems to work after all."

"But, Mr. Hemulen," Snufkin spoke up. "That will only remind you of the horrible hattifatteners. What about all the plants you found? That surely is going to be enough."

"Yes I know, but there was really only one special flower amongst all those plants and I nearly missed that one." Hemulen opened his pouch and pulled out a black flower. "Look! Isn't it a beauty? I discovered it as I was about to tie up the boat." He paused and his eyes widened as he remembered something. "Moominpapa!"

"Yes Mr. Hemulen?"

"You know when you all went to put up the tent, you told me to tie up the boat so she was safe?"

"Yes, of course."

"Well...I'm not sure if I did. Not sure at all."

"If the boats not here, we'll be stuck on the island forever and ever!" Little My said.

'Stuck. Forever.' Lulamoon's blood went cold. She shot up and bolted out of the tent. Snufkin quickly got up and followed her. "Lulu!" He called out but she couldn't hear him over the storm and the frantic beating of her heart as fear and adrenaline pushed her to run for the boat.

As she reached the boat she could see the waves trying to pull the boat out to sea. She quickly grabbed the rope and pulled while Snufkin ran to the back of it and pushed. Together they moved the boat back up onto shore and Lulamoon tied it to a tree. Twice to be extra sure.

Her legs shook as the adrenaline finally wore off and she slumped against the tree. "Lulu!" Snufkin called and ran up to her. "Are you alright? Don't just run off like that!"

"I'm sorry." She said as he helped her back up. "I panicked! The waves had gotten really big and I knew they could reach the boat and I didn't want to be stuck here and-"

"Hey, hey, it alright. Calm down." He pulled her in to hug her. "There's no need to worry. We wouldn't have let that happen. As scared as we were, I do admire your quick thinking." He told her and she gave him a small smile. "Come on, we're soaked. Let's get back to the tent." He took her hand and they ran back to the others.

They crawled back into the tent and everyone looked at them. "Is everything ok?" Little My asked.

Lulamoon and Snufkin glanced at each other and smiled. "Yup. Everything's fine." He told them.

"Oh thank goodness! So we're not stranded after all!"

"I'm really sorry. Really I am." Hemulen said.

"Oh, you two are soaked!" Moominmama stated as she handed them towels. Snufkin dried himself off while Lulamoon wrapped herself up in it and they both sat down at the back of the tent.

Snufkin pulled out his harmonica, patted some water off of it and started to play while they waited out the storm.


"According to this, the storm is blowing over now and and it should stop raining soon." Hemulen said as he read the barometer.

Moominpapa looked at the tent walls. "Well the wind seems to have dropped."

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