The Day The Lighthouse Lit Up

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The Moomins came to this island to visit a real Lighthouse. But when they got there, they found it was completely deserted. No light and no Lighthouse keeper.

Moominpapa is going to try and mend the lamp and the others are all helping to clean up. Snufkin and Moomin carried in their stuff up from the boat while the girls help mop the floors and clean the walls. "Oh thank you! Leave it by the door will you? I haven't quite finished yet." Mama said when they carried the bags in. Moomin immediately plopped down. "Well, at least we can see the floor now." He said.

"I think the keeper must be lying dead under the dust." Said Little My.

Lulamoon giggled. "Are you still on about that? Well, nobody's cleaned up around here. That's for sure."

"That probably means the Lighthouse lamp hasn't been working for a long time either." Moomin added. "I wonder if Papa will be able to fix it."


Everyone was sat at a table outside, having dinner under the stars while Snufkin and Lulamoon sat by a nearby fire. "All I can say is that, if the light hasn't been working for sometime, then I'm afraid that there could have been many shipwrecks." Papa told them. "It would be dangerous to come to close to the island without a light to help you. I'd be surprised if that ghost ship weren't one of them."

"It all seems very strange." Snufkin said. Watching the fire. "I wonder what made the Lighthouse keeper leave in such a hurry."

"Unspeakable horror!" Little My immediately jumped in. "It's obvious! Clothes thrown about, dishes left unwashed, jigsaw puzzles half finished. It's an unsolved mystery at the sea and if you don't understand that then you're being even stupider then usual!"

Mama finished her tea and put her cup down. "Oh dear, poor man. I wonder what he was like."

"He must have been very lonely here on his own." Said Snufkin. Everyone turned to look at him.

"Me and Snufkin had a look around the Lighthouse." Lulamoon explained sadly. "He had scribbled messages on the walls like 'No sign of a ship. It's Christmas. Another Month gone. I must clean the lamp.' And 'I need to talk to someone.' To be alone for so must have been maddening."

"Well, if he didn't see many ships then there couldn't have been many shipwrecks either." Said Papa.


Moomin, Snufkin and Lulamoon walked around at night. They had a lamp but it was still rather dark. "Becareful Snufkin, Lulu. It's very rough and uneven and you don't wanna fall into the sea." Moomin warned them as he walked ahead.

"I certainly dont." Said Snufkin. "Now watch your step. The rocks are very slippery."

Immediately after he said that, Lulamoon slipped and nearly went over but she held onto the rock she was on. Little pebbles broke off and fell down into the dark water below them. Snufkin and Moomin were quick to grab her arms pull her back up.  "Are you alright Lulu?" Moomin asked.

She smiled nervously. "I-I'm a little shaky if I'm being honest. That was pretty close."

"You're as clumsy as ever." Snufkin said and grabbed her hand. "Stay close to me while we're out here." The witch blushed and nodded.

"Look! Over there!" Moomin pointed down at the water. "I see something moving but I can't tell what it is."

"It's probably a boat."

It was a little foggy but they could still make out the shape of a large ship below them. "Now that's what I call a real ship." Said Moomin.

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