The Magic Hat

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Moomintroll, Snorkmaiden and Little My ran down the path from the Moomin House all the way to Snufkin's tent that sat on the other side of a little river. "Snufkin!" Moomintroll called as they reached the tent. Little My opened the tent and peeked inside. "Snufkin! Where are you?"

Moomintroll and Snorkmaiden also looked inside the tent. "He must have forgotten I was comin' and gone off somewhere." He said.

"How can he enjoy being here on his own?" Snorkmaiden asked.

"I like to be alone every now and then, you know?"

"Oh silly. Let's go and explore." Snorkmaiden turned and started walking away. Moomintroll and Little My followed shortly after. "Let's leave it till tomorrow Snorkmaiden."

"But you said we'd go today!"

"Yah! We did to Moomin!" Little My exclaimed. "You ARE the one that said it you know!"

"You did. I didn't." Moomintroll said.

"You did to! Oh, you must come! We're going to collect seashells on the beach! Come on! It'll be fun!"

"Oh no..."

The three of them started making their way towards the beach but stopped when they heard someone call out to them. They all turned and saw Sniff running up to them. "Hey! Where are you guys going?" He asked.

"Oh, I envy Snufkin." Moomin muttered.

Sniff looked at him curiously. "Why?"

"I just do..."

They all started walking again but Little My caught sight of a familiar person dressed in black. "Hey look! Isn't that Lulu?" She pointed out the person to the others.

"It is!" Snorkmaiden said happily. "Let's go ask her to join us!"

"I don't know." Sniff watched wearily as the witch watered, what looked like, a small garden. "She seems busy. L-lets not bother her."

"Oh don't be so scared of her, Sniff. She's not bad!" Moomintroll said and started making his way toward her. The others quickly started to follow. As they got closer, they noticed that the plants she was watering seem to wiggle and dance along to the happy tune she was humming.

"Hello Lulu!" They all greeted her.

Lulamoon startled and nearly dropped her watering can but she quickly regained her composure and turned to look at her new friends. "Hello everyone!" She greeted with a smile. "What are you all doing on such a nice day?"

"We're going down to the beach to look for shells! We wanted to know if you'd want to join us!" Little My exclaimed as she stepped closer to the odd looking plants. "What kind of plants are these? They're kinda funny lookin'." She reached out to touch one but it quickly shot forward and snapped at her fingers. Little My yanked her hand back and glared at it.

Lulamoon giggled. "It's a Cibum Comedentis." She told them.

They all tilted their head like confused puppies. "A what?"

"Cibum Comedentis! It means Meat Eater. These plants are Carnivorous and derive some or most of their nutrients from trapping and consuming animals or protozoans, typically insects and other arthropods. The slimy liquid in their mouths help make a good Numbing Elixir."

"That was a lot of big words. I don't think I get it." Sniff said making Lulamoon laugh again.

"It means don't touch the plants or they'll bite your fingers off." They all gulped, except Little My who seemed a bit to excited, and nodded. "But back to your beach trip, I'd love to go with you!"

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