The Pirate

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Lulamoon was making hot chocolate while she listened to the storm rage outside and rattle the windows in her kitchen. She split the hot chocolate into two cups and went into to the living room to give the extra cup to her guest.

"Thanks for letting me stay here while waiting for the rain to stop." Snufkin said as he took the cup. He was sat on the couch in front of the lit fireplace.

"You're always welcome here, Snufkin." Lulamoon nervously glance at a nearby window. "But I don't think the rain is going to let up. It fact, it seems to be getting worse."

"Yes. I'm afraid it is."

They sat in silence for bit. Just drinking cocoa and relaxing by the fire. Snufkin finished his drink and stood up. "Well, thanks for having me, but I should be getting back to my tent now."

"What?" Lulamoon shot up in worry. "But it's a storm out there! Plus it's already gotten dark!"

"Don't worry, Lulu. I've handled storms before."

"But-!" Snufkin was already heading towards the door but he felt the witch grab his arm to stop him. "You can stay here!" She offered which made him pause.

He stared at her and her face was quickly starting to burn. "I-I mean, it'll only be for tonight. I just don't like the idea of you sleeping out in this storm and I live a good distance from your camp so who knows what will happen on the way there in the dark and-"

He just smiled down at her as she rambled and tried to explain herself. He chuckled and reached up to tuck some hair behind her ear which effectively shut her up. "Alright." He said softly. "I'll stay here for the night." The witch's face lit up and she excitedly ran upstairs to prepare the guest room. Snufkin just smiled and walked after her.

She always listened to him and did what he said whenever he was worried about her. The least he could do was do what she said when she worried about him.


Snufkin woke up early that morning to the smell of something good cooking downstairs. It took him a while to process where he was since he wasn't use to staying at other people's houses, but Lulamoon's two story cottage was oddly cozy. The windows in his room opened so he could hear the birds and was of the nearby sea. He liked the location of the witch's house.

After getting himself ready for the day he came downstairs and walked into the kitchen where Lulamoon was finishing up breakfast. "Goodmorning Lulu."

The witch turned with a beaming smile. "Goodmorning!"

He was suddenly hit with the feeling domesticity. Warm and fuzzy and suffocating. But he knew the witch never pushes his boundaries. Never judged his lifestyle or tried to change it. So he decided....that although he hated staying in one place for to long and preferred being out on his own. He wouldn't mind visiting Lulamoon's cozy little cottage more often.

Snufkin felt his face heat up at the realization.

They finished breakfast and both headed out for Moomin House. Snufkin went off to find Moomin while Lulamoon hungout with Snorkmaiden and Little My. The witch was told of how a pirate ship had sunk near Moomin Valley and how, coincidentally, just last night Moomin was reading a book about pirates.

The mailman came up and gave Snorkmaiden a letter from her brother. She sat down on the porch step next to Lulamoon and read through the letter before gasping. "Snork's coming home today!" She told them.

"That's nice." Moominmama said.

"But Moominmama, there's no food in the house at all!"

"Now don't worry about that. I'll rustle up some dinner for us and Snork can tell us about his trip. Moominpapa will like that."

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