The Imp

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Mr. Hemulen was bending over to look at a plant on the ground when Stinky ran up being him and kicked him. The little nuisance ran off laughing while Moomin chased him.

Snufkin was walking back when he saw Moomin chasing Stinky around and decided to help him. He ran over and cut Stinky off. Stinky turned to got the other direction but Moomin was there to stop him.

"Stinky! Why are you always doing naughty things like that?!" Moomin scolded him. "Would you like it if someone gave you a shove?!"

"Not really." Said Stinky. "But when you see someone bending over like that, I mean, what can you do? I couldn't resist giving him a little push!"

Hemulen came limping over to them. "I think you must have an irresponsible Imp inside you, Stinky."

"Of course that's it! It's that nasty Imp who forces be to do all those things I would never dream of doing otherwise. So when I'm naughty it's all his fault!"

Moomin glared at him. "Well you better drive the Imp out!"

"Do you know how to drive an Imp out, Snufkin?" Stinky turned to the mumrik.

"Well it's fairly easy." Snufkin told him. "To begin with, you don't really have an Imp inside. That's just to make it easier to understand. You simply have to decide not to do bad things."

Stinky hummed in thought.


Snufkin played his harmonica while relaxing under a tree with Moomin sat next to him.

"I don't think Stinky will change." Said Moomin.

Snufkin stopped playing to look at him. "Is that so?"

"Well, do you?"


"What's the point of telling him then?"

"One should."


Moominpapa hummed as finished up his memoirs. "That a truly great sentence. Now what I'd really like would be a cup of Moominmama's coffee."

There was a knock on the door and Mama came in holding a tray with cups. "Would you like coffee?" She asked with a smile.

"What perfect timing!"

"Oh?" Mama put the tray down and held up a cup for Papa.

"I was just saying to myself that I could really do with a cup of coffee and there you are!"

Mama giggled. "You sound as if your writing is going well."

"Yes, indeed. It's a new version of the old story about and evil Imp who lived in a tree." Papa explained and accidentally knocked over the cup that Mama was holding. The coffee spilt on his desk and soaked into the bottom corner of his packet of papers.

That wasn't perfect timing." Said Mama.



Mr. Hemulen was trying to climb up the side of a small mountain to get to some flowers that was growing in between some rocks. His foot slipped and he fell  but stopped in midair.

"Mr. Hemulen! Are you alright?"

He looked down and saw Lulamoon using her magic to gently lower him onto the ground. "Oh, Lulu! I'm alright. Thank you for catching me."

"What were trying to do?"

Hemulen pointed up at the flowers. "I must get that plant for my collection but I can't climb high enough."

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