Adventures of Moominpapa Part 3

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Everyone was sat in living room of Moomin House as Moominmama brought some coffee for everyone.

Moominpapa picked up his cup of coffee breathed in the smell of it. "This is very pleasant. How nice to have a cup of coffee every morning at the same time. It makes life worth living."

"What makes it so pleasant Papa?" Asked Moomin.

"It shows that the world is stable, or at least, it shows that our world here in Moomin Valley is stable."

"Why do you like stability so much?"

"I like change!" Little My spoke up. "I don't like the same thing everyday!"

"Well, Papa does like adventure. But he also likes his coffee at the same time everyday." Mama told them.

Moomin smiled. "I would like to leave a life of adventure like Papa did when he was younger."

"Speaking of that, Papa." Snufkin said from his spot on the couch. "You promised to tell us more about your adventures."

"Oh yes!" Lulamoon clapped happily. "Please Papa! Please tell us more!" Everyone jumped in to agree.

Papa laughed. "Alright, alright. Now, we had just settled down on the King's island who was very interested in us for some unknown reason and he gave a very warm welcome and asked us to stay. He wanted us to form a colony but I had no idea what that ment!"

Moomin and his friends, minus Frederickson, were sat on one of the stone fences that littered the island. "Since we don't know, I asked my mother what it means to form a colony." Said the Mymble.

Moomin turned to her. "What did she say?"

"She said there should be as many as possible who should all live together as closely as possible."

"That will just make us start quarreling." Azulin scoffed.

"I don't like quarreling much." Moomin said. "What's your opinion on the matter Muddler?"

Muddler shrugged. "I don't like it much either. If that's the case, I'd rather live away from everybody else."

"Well, what do you think Joxter?"

"I think," the mumrik started. "That in a colony, everyone can live as they like, more or less, within reason. We'd be completely free to come and go as we please. And I have no intention of quarreling with anyone!" That made Azulin snort and Joxter shoved him.

Nearby, a girl who looked like a mouse was walking by and Muddler jumped to his feet. "Hey Fuzzy!" He called out and ran over to her.

The other four watched as the two stood next to each other with blushing faces. "Who's that? I've never seen her before." Moomin asked.

"That's Fuzzy." Said the Mymble. "She lives on the south of the island. I think Muddler's fallen in love with her."


"Another thing, how's Frederickson doing?"

"Frederickson is extremely busy building his Amphibian."

"As ordered by the king of the island, Frederickson had moved to live in the Park of Surprises and was there building all the time. So unfortunately, we rarely saw him anymore."


That night, Moomin was looking out of his bedroom window and out onto the sea, thinking about a colony. He looked down and saw a ghost making its way towards his house.

Moomin quickly shut his window and hid under his bed. He shook in fear as a white mist seeped up through the floor boards and took shape next to the bed.

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