Our Neighbor is a Tough Teacher

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Lulamoon had decided to enjoy the beautiful weather by going out to tend to her garden. The was clear skies and warm with a nice cool breeze. Just perfect. Her plants were also happily enjoying the nice weather while the ones that needed hotter temperatures were kept in the small greehouse.

There was a caw and she looked up to see her raven perched on the fence, clenching a letter in his beak. Her mother always hounded her about getting an owl but Lulamoon preferred ravens. When it comes to intelligence, ravens rate up there with chimpanzees and dolphins. He raven in particular hates when someone else handles her mail. She's always worried that he'll snap and murder her mother's owl whenever it doesn't give him her mail.

"Oh, Love. Did you steal from the mailman again?" The raven huffed and looked rather pleased with himself. She just chuckled and grabbed the letter as he moved onto her shoulder. She casually started to pet him as she read it. It was an invitation from Moominmama. Apparently, a new family has moved to Moomin Valley and the Moomins want to hold a small part for them. Lulamoon smiled. Of course she'll go!

"Calcifer dear, do me a favor and put this away for me. I'm going out today. There's some muffins in the kitchen if you want any." Her raven cawed happily, took the letter, and flew into her cottage through an open window.


Lulamoon showed up as everyone was running around and getting ready. Mr. Hemulen was setting fireworks outside and Moomin, Sniff and Little My had built an indoor slide that the witch was not going to use. Her cursed clumsiness would probably break it. "Hello everyone." She greeted them.

"Lulu dear, oh thank goodness. Can you get tea started? I'm still finishing up the snacks." Moominmama said as she made her way to the kitchen. Lulamoon smiled. "Of course Mama. I'm happy to help."

They had just finished up when Hemulen came running in. "They're here!"

"Right. Come on children, help me with the flowers." Moominmama said as she brought out a basket of flowers and flower petals. Lulamoon couldn't help but giggle as they started throwing them all over the floor. Moominmama greeted the new neighbors at the door whose names, Lulamoon found out, were the Filyjonks.

Papa pulled a string that tipped a basket above them and dumped a bunch of confetti on then.

"It looks very untidy, doesn't it?" The youngest kid said.

"It's a surprise." Mama explained. "It should have been rose buds but we couldn't find any at all. Let me introduce the children."

"They all look different." Mrs. Filyjonk said.

"Well, yes. Only Moomin is really ours. I'm sure they'll all get along."

"Oh, I'm afraid my children do not play. They would much rather read or study."

Lulamoon honestly felt like she was back home again. This woman sounded a lot like her mother. "Are you sure?" She couldn't help but ask. "They've got to have some time for play."

"I'm sure."

"Well," Moominpapa cut in. "Let's all go to the dining room, huh?" He then looked at her kids. "You can watch the others play."

"Make sure the couch is clean." Their mother said.

"Yes mother. We will." They responed.

Lulamoon watched as the adults disappeared into the dining room and then turned back to the kids.

"Come on everybody." Said Moomin as he walked up to the new kids. "Would you like to have a go on our slide?"

"No." One of them answered.

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