The Moominvalley in Spring

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A slight breeze rustled the forest leaves as Snufkin walked down the dirt path. The air was still a bit chilly but it will warm up in no time. Now that winter was over, Snufkin was making his way back to Moominvalley.

"Ouch! Oh, how do I always get myself into these messes?"

Snufkin paused and looked in the direction that the distraught voice came from. Just a bit away from him was a girl with long, silky, black hair and wore a black dress. She hissed in pain as she struggled to pull her ankle free from a thorn bush.

"Hello there." Snufkin greeted as he walked up to her. She turned to look at him and his brown eyes met ice blue. "Need some help?"

"Oh, yes please!" She smiled at him. He pulled out his pocket knife and started to cut the branches of the thorn bush. He then help her to her feet after she pulled her foot out.

"Thank you very much for your help!"

"It's no problem. No problem at all." He tipped his hat to her. "Are you a traveler as well?"

"For the time being." She said as they started walking together. "I'm planning on setting up shop in Moominvalley. I hear it's very nice there."

"Well you're heading the right way. What is your shop gonna sell?"

"Herbal remedies mostly. I can whip up cures for poisons, illnesses, infections. I also help with curses or magical mishaps." She listed.

"Wow, so you're a type of healer then? You seem pretty young to be going off on your own and starting a business."

"You're one to talk." She sassed, hopping onto a fallen log and walking across it. She held her arms out for balance. "You look like you're always traveling on your own."

Snufkin chuckled. "Well, you got me there."

"As for the 'healer' bit. I'm actually a witch. I specialize more with remedies and potions than I do magic spells but I still make sure I'm well rounded so I can help if someone is cursed."

He stared at her in shock. She seemed far to sweet and pretty to be a witch. He stopped walking when her foot broke a hole in the fallen log and got stuck again.

"Oh dear, not again." She muttered.

Snufkin let out another laugh. She was also far to clumsy. She pulled her foot out of the log and quickly hopped off. "Oh! I'm Lulamoon by the way!" She introduced herself and held out her hand. He smiled and shook it. "I'm Snufkin. A pleasure to meet you M'lady." He took of his hat and bowed dramaticly, making her giggle.

They finally reached the end of forest and could see a beautiful blue house off in the distance. Lulamoon could also see the ocean and a beach. "What a lovely place." She said with a soft smile as she stared at the ocean. Snufkin smiled at the familiar place and looked at his current company. She said she was a witch but she didn't seem so bad. With her black hair swaying in the breeze and a warm fondness in her ice blue eyes, Snufkin decided that she wasn't bad at all.

They bid each other farewell and went their separate ways. Snufkin towards the Moomin house and Lulamoon to look for a new home.

She walked towards the ocean and found an old house on top of a hill. "How quaint." She giggled to herself and made her way inside. It was decently sized. Perfect for just herself. It had an upstairs too but she didn't dare try going up the old things until they were fixed. With her luck, she'd most likely fall right through them. "It's perfect!" She said and clapped her hands together. "Now to get this place fixed up!"

Meanwhile, Snufkin had met up with Moomintroll and together, along with their friend Sniff, they walked to the top of a mountain in search of adventure. "Hey look, there's smoke coming from Moomin House." Sniff said as they looked down at the valley. "We should have stayed at home. I bet Moominmama is cooking something good."

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