Monday 1st January

16 3 1

When you're growing up, you play house. You have a baby doll and play mum. You drive a toy car and go do the shopping or go to the mechanic.

When you are little you want to be big. 

But then you're big, and you want to be little again.

You want to be little because you want to have fun.

I can't be little again. But I can be fun. I can smile everyday.

I can love.

Love myself. Love life. Love someone.

So this is the diary of love…

I've been feeling tired. All the time. Unfortunately I believe this to be normal part of adult life. 

And another part of adult life, well I assume others feel this, but I feel guilt doing nothing. I feel guilt resting. Or doing the things I enjoy.

Today I said no more.

I have done nothing today.

I joyfully awoke this morning of my own free will, no alarm blared in my ear that I had to work.

I stretched and grabbed my phone to check the time. 8:30. I know. Crazy. However I do get up at 5am everyday for work so I slept hard last night. 

Anyway. I then sat in bed reading The Flatshare by Beth O’Leary until my stomach demanded movement down to the kitchen for breakfast. 

I was greeted lovingly by Duke and Chester, my 2 great danes, who watched me with wagging tails.

The boys were content to join me on the sofa until their bladders caused a stir and Duke confidently dropped his lead at my feet.

The weather today was glorious and while the beach was busy it was a beautiful walk and the boys ran and sniffed and played in the sea.

The pyjamas were back on as soon as I stepped into the house and the boys quickly settled down to sleep.

A face mask, some Christmas movies and takeaway pizza saw me through and I felt truly rested for the first time in, goodness knows how long.

Day 1 - ✔

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