Saturday 30th March

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I woke up and lay in bed thinking over last night.

I had quickly put James out of my mind and I hadn't heard anything from him since.

Then my phone buzzed. 

‘I’m on my way. See you soon.’

I sat bolt up immediately and looked at the time.

It had completely slipped my mind that I was meeting Christian today. I quickly tied my hair up and hopped into the shower for the quickest wash you can imagine.

I had luckily been admiring the dress yesterday and so it was ready to go on my wardrobe door and I had just got accessories when I heard Christian pull up.

“Wow.” Was his response to me opening the door. The dress was a pale green tulle skirt with a corset style top that was covered with little pink and purple flowers flowing across it.

“Wow.” He breathed.

“You said that already.” I said to him and winked.

“That dress IS impressive.” I twirled to make the skirts fly. When I stopped, he was looking down at my skirt and smiling. His eyes slowly travelled up to meet my face again.

“You look lovely as well.” I smiled and reached to collect my bag.

Christian was wearing a pale purple shirt with a light blue coloured jacket and chinos.

He flapped his jacket, reached his hands out to the sides as if presenting himself, and spun around a heel. Grinning at himself the whole time.

I laughed. If it was possible his grin grew and he cocked his elbow towards me which I gladly leaned upon.

The grounds were beautiful and I was reading a sign detailing some of the history of the land when Christian grabbed my hand and pulled me towards him. He stepped backwards, tugging me along gently and he pushed a door open at the side of the manor.

“Christian! We can't go in here!” I protested, trying to push him away.

“Why not.” He pulled me to him and shut the door behind us.

He pulled me to him in one swift movement and leaned in close to my ear. 

“I thought you might like to see the inside of my house…” he kissed my neck before leaning back to look at me.

“What?” I gasped, looking around.

“My last name is actually Herrington…” he paused and looked at me. “I always tell people it's Harrison when I first meet them, you know…” he shifted uncomfortably. “I don't want women being with me just for the money.” 

I literally stood staring at him for such a long pause that I started to get pins and needles in my fingers. My hands had drifted to cover my mouth in surprise and I realised they were still there.

He stood watching me as I gawped at him before I slowly turned to look around at the small room we had snuck into.

“What?” I repeated in shock.

“Come on”. Christian laughed and grabbed my hand pulling me towards him.

He walked me to the kitchen. And what a kitchen. When I said that to him he laughed and explained that they only really lived in part of the manor and the rest of it was dressed up for public open events. 

He walked me around the house part of the manor and I just couldn't take it in. Sure it wasn't the full manor. But even just part of it is still a manor.

He showed me into every room and shared some story or memory for each. He told me about playing sword fighting with his brothers and knocking over a vase and trying to hide the pieces before their mum found out. 

He told me about when he was sick his mum would sing to him to try and relax him.

He told me about the time his brother jumped from a tree in the garden and broke his leg. His mum shouted at Christian for not telling her he was up a tree. But they got ice cream on the way back from the hospital as a sorry.

I felt like I was thrown into a Christian museum and being told his whole life story.

He dropped me off at home and after I unlocked the door I turned back.

“I'm sorry. I feel very overwhelmed by your house.” I put emphasis on house. 

“Don't worry. I know I sort of sprung it on you.” He smiled at me. He lent in and kissed me gently before smiling and walking away.

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