Friday 5th January

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Well. Today both sucked eggs and was great.  

I had training to attend today. The drive should have been 2 hours to get there. It was 4 hours 30. 
Luckily I had my trusted audio book to listen to so I wasn't bored. Just annoyed...

But, the training was really good fun and informative. Worth the drive. I think…

I then had the long drive home to contemplate what I wanted to do when I got home. 

I decided to keep it simple tonight. I had a long bath, with a lush bath bomb I got for christmas. I went all out and lit candles. I grabbed my favourite pina colada cocktail can and put on a podcast. 

I got out as wrinkled as a prune and sat on the sofa painting my nails while my left over lasagna was in the oven. 

Tomorrow... the love... is a date ;)

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