Tuesday 2nd April

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As the afternoon dragged on I was finding it hard to concentrate. My mind was on what I was going to wear tonight. And what I was going to say.

In my head I couldn't get past Herrington Manor. There were so many questions. But I certainly couldn't just blurt out ‘are you rich?’.

Or could I?

No. No I couldn't.

I was thankful when Emma came over and asked for help transferring some work to another agency. It kept my busy for the rest of the afternoon.

That took me to the end of the day and I rushed out of there to get home and get myself prepared. I gave myself a talking to on the way home. 

We got on so well before I knew, nothing should or will be any different.

I took the boys out for a play at the park, got home and hopped into the shower and then opened my wardrobe.

I stood looking at the variety of dresses, skirts and trousers hung before me and I was stumped.

He's rich, he's a Herrington. I need to dress like I fit in with him and his crowd!

But we're just going on a date this evening and I don't know where or anything.

I settled on a sleek browny-purple skirt and a crop black vest top. I pair this with a small black bag and my vans. I realised quickly as I surveyed my clothes that I needed to always be myself. And I looked good. (It's not cocky-ness I promise. It's a mindset).

Christian knocked at the door and I headed down to answer it. Duke and Chester fought to get through the tiniest crack of the door as I was trying to open it and eventually I had to just throw it open and let them loose. Luckily Christian had braced and when they barrelled into him, he was ready.

“Hello you two.” He said to the boys, petting them with two hands roughly scrubbing at their faces. Which they love by the way, get great danes, they love cuteness aggression.

We got to the restaurant and Christian pulled my chair out for me before pulling out his seat and sliding in close to the table. The restaurant was called the Seine  and it was busy. There was a hum of activity and I could just make out the radio playing in the lull of chatter that came from all sides.

“So where did you find this place?” I had to lean in close so he could hear and I laughed as I said it because of it.

“Oh my mum actually told me about this place. I've brought all my girlfriends here.” 

I looked up from the menu I had just reached for and my eyes met Christian’s. He was smiling. I was not. I wasn't upset or angry. Just… that's weird to mention that right?

“I think I'm going to have the steak and we can share the antipasti starter.” He hadn't even picked up the menu.

I quickly started scanning the menu and was reading what came in a dish called Poulet de Provencial, when I happened to glance at the price. Which made it apparent as to why I had never been there before.

“We'll have a bottle of red, do you have that 1975 I had the last time?... Then we'll get the antipasti starter with extra bread sticks, I'll get the steak, medium rare, and she'll have the crab salad with the dressing on the site.” 

I had looked up and found the waiter standing there with his pad. I was reading down the menu with haste when Christian ordered for me.

“Oh no. I don't like crab…” I quickly looked back to the menu. “I'll have the salmon.” The waiter looked at Christian before making a note and walking away.

I looked over at Christian who was pouring water into his glass. When two ice cubes plopped into his glass he looked at me and gestured with the carfe. I nodded and he pulled my glass closer to him and started to pour.

“Why did you order for me?” I asked as he slid the glass back to me.

“Oh. The crab salad is good and you said before that you like seafood. I was trying to be helpful, the menu is a bit overwhelming.” He leaned forward and put his water down.


“I'm sorry. I've just always ordered for people here.” I thought for a moment. He looked so sincere.

The waiter arrived with the wine and Christian tasted the splash offered to him. 

“No.” He smashed the glass on the floor.

The waiter scurried away and Christian turned to me and continued his story about winning a volleyball match as if nothing had happened.

The waiter returned with a different wine and this one Christian accepted. When the waiter left he turned to me and took a deep breath.

“I'll go apologise to him. I over reacted.” And he stood up and walked towards the bar.

I was apprehensive when he returned but the rest of the evening was lovely. We talked about life and our experiences and Christian made me laugh despite myself. The food was delicious and I was glad the salmon came out and not the crab salad.

He walked me up to the door which I kept closed to keep the dogs in. Although they made their presence on the other side of the door known. He ran his hands up my arms and pulled me close to him to kiss. I snuck through the door when he got back to the taxi and I sighed.

I sat down and let the boys climb into my lap and cuddled them.

What a weird night. The crazy screaming at the waiter and the lackluster kiss. I sighed again and headed up to bed.

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