Tuesday 19th March

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This morning I got up a bit earlier and took the boys out for a walk around the park. The sun was starting to rise as we walked around and the birds started to sing as the day started.

We got home and I put breakfast on their bowls and hid some treats around the house for them to find throughout the day.

I headed out to work and dropped everything on my desk. I checked my pigeon hole and found two letters sitting there. I took them back to my desk and opened up my laptop to record their arrival and contents.

I had two meetings and the day passed me by very quickly. I stopped by Ellie and Tim's to drop off Ellie's birthday present.

Ellie answered the door and smiled at me. I handed her the gift bag.

“I can't stop, I need to get home, I'm off to dinner tonight with the girls from school.” 

“You are always welcome and I would have let you in, but thank you. Tim took Megan and Molly out to the park and I've just finished tidying and was going to take a nap.” She only started to laugh when I did.

“Well, enjoy your nap. Happy birthday for tomorrow… if you ever want me to have the girls for a bit so you can nap just call.” I winked at her and made the phone symbol in my ear. She chuckled and nodded and I turned and hopped back into my car.

I got home and grabbed the boys for a quick walk to the park. I threw the ball back and forth for them so they could run and when we got back I put dinner down before quickly changing and grabbing my bag to head out.

I drove round and collected Harriet and Penny and we met Holly, Ally and Lizzie at the Queen's Head.

“Well I was actually hoping to buy him out but I don't think that's going to be happening, he's such an arse…” 

“Wait what?” Holly said to Harriet.

“He just needs to leave. I've always wondered how he's able to run an opticians but actually I realised, I run the place.” Harriet said frustrated.

“Is that an actual plan? You said last time you were looking for a new job?” Penny asked.

“I don't know. It'll be a new job I'm sure. But on the plus side, I'm going to be an auntie!” Harriet exclaimed.

“Oh my gosh how exciting!” I said.

“You have so much news! Adam?” Lizzie asked.

Harriet nodded and we started to chat about her brother Adam bothering us when we used to play at Harriet's after school.

A night with the girls never fails to make me laugh and smile and it was like I could feel the endorphins rushing through me as I got home and was greeted by the boys.

Until I got to the living room and the sofa was trashed. And one of my pillows was clawed open, stuffing covering the floor replicating the scene of a massacre.

I took a deep breath and looked back at the boys who were both sitting at the door with their heads down.

I looked back to the living room and took another deep breath, counting to 10. I walked in and scooped up all the stuffing from my pillow, while simultaneously trying to determine if I could repair it once it was re-stuffed.

I put all the pillows back on the sofa and turned the light off as I headed upstairs.

“It's ok boys. Come on.” I said, patting them both on the head as I went past. In my counting I realised I had hid a treat behind the pillow.

Which was clearly a misjudgement.

I climbed into bed and fussed Duke and Chester as they got comfortable on the bed with me.

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