Sunday 11th February

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James left early this morning for work. He kissed me before he left and I watched him walk out of the bedroom before rolling over and going back to sleep.

I might have slept for another hour or so before I woke up again. I laid in bed quietly for a few moments and then pulled my phone to me and opened Instagram.

I laid there scrolling, when a text pinged on my phone, from Abbie.

‘I need your help! I like this guy at work and I think we've been flirting but I just don't know. I'm confused by his latest message’ I laughed, Abbie is terrible at picking up on signs.

‘Tell me more about the potential flirting and I'll see if I can interpret it.’ I sent back. I got up and headed downstairs, I let the boys out and prepared breakfast for myself and the boys.

When I checked my phone again I had several messages from Abbie. Of screenshots. I ate breakfast while reading through them.

They were messaging about a wedding he was going to soon and there were certainly implications that he wanted her to go.

‘I love weddings! Dancing all night, letting your hair down and letting loose’.

‘I’m so self-conscious dancing, I have to get so drunk to let go… I think I need you there!’

‘Oh I'd certainly show you a thing or two ;)’ Abbie 100% meant dance moves and I love that this worked so well for her.

‘I’m a quick learner ;) although I'm already proficient on my knees.’ I choked. I had to spit my mouthful of Weetabix back into the bowl.

‘Abbie you can't tell me you're confused please!’ I typed back sending the specific screenshot.

‘I didn't really get the knees thing…’ I internally screamed. I text her back explaining. And I can tell she's shocked, but happy.

She told me she was going to continue with her text flirting. (I'm so glad she texted me live and not after the event with this one. She would have definitely left him hanging otherwise). She promised to let me know although I am still waiting.

I cleared away breakfast and opened my to-do list on my phone. I always try to start with the quicker simpler jobs before moving onto any bigger jobs. I tidy the kitchen with music playing in the background and grabbed my laundry bag, loading the washing machine.

I ticked them off my to do list which is now on the coffee table. I looked at my book to the right. I looked at the to-do list. One hour of reading can't hurt.

I get myself comfortable on the sofa and open my book. My phone dinged and when I picked it up I saw the time. I whipped my head around to look at the clock in the kitchen. I'd been reading for 4 hours.

I sighed heavily and put my book down. I looked around and saw the boys were playing tug of war with each other.

I decided to get dressed and make myself some lunch. Then I quickly re-potted my spider plant and watered my other plants dotted around the house. I got the washing out of the machine and emptied the bins.

I looked around and put my hands on my hips looking at the boys. They had quickly hopped onto the sofa when I started rushing around and were watching me.

“Walkies.” I called to them. They leapt off the sofa and ran to the front door. I kitted them out and we left for our walk. The air was cool and the breeze was gentle.
We walked around the town and I let myself relax a bit as we walked.

Despite my extended reading break I had actually done a good amount of my to-do list and I only really had to sort myself out for work for the week when I got home.

I suddenly realised the reason I saw the time was a message. I pulled my phone out of my pocket, assuming the message was from Abbie.

It was James.

“Today's quiet, it's giving me lots of time to think about you, and the other night. And the night before…” I smiled at the text.

“I miss you too! Pop by later?” James does such long shifts and he finds it hard to sleep when he's had a tough shift.

I put my phone back in my pocket not expecting a response as he's working. We headed home and I gave the boys some bones that I brought them the other day. It should take them a while to chew them to death so that settles them for the rest of the day.

I had a shower and then got everything ready for work. I was making dinner when there was a knock at the door. The boys rushed through barking and I followed slowly.

“Alice.” James said gently. He wrapped me into his arms and pushed me against the door using my body to close it as he did.

He kissed me deeply, pulling me close to him, as if we can't be close enough. He lifted me up and I wrapped my legs around his waist. He started kissing my neck and I ran my hands through his hair. I could feel him straining against me.

He stops for a moment and rests his forehead against mine.

“I should really go…” he kissed me again the moment he finished talking.

“Don't you think you'll sleep better if you're satisfied.” I whispered to him, moving as much as I could against him.

He groaned and I could feel him considering. I pushed him back slightly so I could lower my legs and went straight to my knees, grabbing his belt as I went.

“Oh…” he sounded and looked down at me.

I released him and took him into my mouth. He let out another moan and I reached around him to pull him closer to me. He put his hand on top of my head lightly and I moaned around him. He put both hands on my head and thrust slightly.

He came quickly and I looked up at him from my knees. He helped me to stand and tucked a stray hair behind my ear. He kissed me deeply and ran his hand down my body towards my shorts. I grabbed his hand and stopped it moving.

“I thought you needed to go.” He kissed my neck.

“I can't leave this one sided…” I laughed lightly and he looked at me.

“It's ok.” I put my hands on his cheeks. “You go get some sleep.” I could see how tired he was in his eyes. He scanned my face quickly, reading my expectations.

“Are you sure?”

“Of course. I enjoyed myself already.” I winked at him and he laughed. He kissed me forcefully and then took my hand and pulled me away from the door. He opened it and kissed me quickly one more time before walking back to his car.

I suddenly remembered I was in the middle of dinner and ran back into the kitchen to check in dinner. I'd put a pie and some potatoes in the oven. The pie top was definitely a bit burnt but the potatoes looked good. I grabbed a pan and put some broccoli in it and hoped it would boil quickly.

I ate dinner and went up to bed, pulled out my favourite blanket and grabbed my book.

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