Tuesday 16th January

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Today I worked from home and I've said to myself when I work from home, my commute time is for joy.

So today, after I finished work I set myself an hour and decided to paint.
Now when I say this I want to make it clear I'm not a painter by any means… I would hardly say I'm artistic.

But I've been practising and I'm starting to get better I think.

There's a lady I follow on Instagram who does basic watercolour paintings and shows you tips and tricks for working with the colours.

She recently did one where she just painted colour circles on the page but she used different amounts of water on the brush and overlapped the circles to demonstrate how the colours mix and change.

I thought I would give this a go. Simple.

I put some music on and sat by the back door in the light with my paints. I watched the video one more time and got started.

I tried to use colours that you can see in bubbles when the sun hits them. Blue, purples, pinks to start with. Then I tried adding some smaller circles of yellow and green.

My alarm went off… yes, I'm a bit anal and I did set an alarm for my hour of joy… and I stopped and looked at my painting.

I liked it. But I also didn't.

I looked at it a bit longer. I was happy with how I felt. I like some of the bubbles more than the others and that gave me some joy.

I cleaned my paint brushes and water cup and turned to see the boys looking at me from the sofa.

“Walkies?” I called. Both boys leapt up, ran over to me and then ran back to the front door.

We walked across town to the park and I let the boys off to run. I had to call them back once when a couple of little dogs came into the park and were kept on their leads. The boys stayed by my side until we were clear of them. They wouldn't have gone over without me letting them anyway but because they are so big I like to keep them close.

We got home and I made nachos with pulled pork for dinner, sat down on the sofa and took a deep breath and got comfortable.

I got into bed and just felt so relaxed. Sleep came quickly

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