Thursday 4th April

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As so often happens with new years resolutions I've sort of swayed from mine a little bit. The love element seems to be more external than internal and so I'm thankful that I had boxing in the evening.

I worked from home and I decided to take advantage of the weather by sitting outside in the sun with my book the moment I finished work.

The boys were curled up in the shade, both panting but refusing to head inside or even drink from the water bowl I brought them out.

When it cooled down I decided we all needed a nice long walk on the beach. The cool sea breeze was a welcome change to the warmth from the day and with the Toni and Ryan podcast playing we headed across the sand.

By the time the podcast episode had finished we had walk goodness knows how far and I called the boys so we could turn around and head back the other way.

As I was waiting for them to run over I saw a movement out of the corner of my eye. When I fully looked it had gone but I called the boys again and started walking back the way we had come, but I took a few steps to the left putting myself closer to the sea than the path we had followed.

I kept my eye on the path and as I looked back around from checking on the boys I was sure that I saw a flash of brown darting in and out of the ferns. I kept walking and the boys were darting around and chasing each other. 

All of a sudden the brown flash streaked across my vision and I saw a small spaniel running over to Duke. In anticipation of making a friend Duke had ducked his head, putting his bum into the air and wagging his tail ferociously. The spaniel dropped low not too far from Duke and crept slowly towards him. 

“Sorry sorry.” I had pushed my headphones off my head and turned at the sound of the voice. 

Ethan was running across the beach towards me, Penny following on behind. So the spaniel was Poppy. 

“Oh, it’s you.” Ethan said at the same time and slowed to walk towards me.

“Hey. So Penny still likes to make her own path, I see.” I said taking a step back from Ethan. 

“Something like that.” Ethan ducked his head and stepped closer to Penny and put the lead on her. 

“So how…” 

“I've got to get going, I'm meeting someone…” I sort of stuttered out to stop Ethan from progressing with what he was going to say. As I raised my headphones I heard Ethan stutter but just walked off.

I called for the boys and I picked up the pace on the way to the car.

When I got home I walked around and made sure all the doors were locked and all my curtains and blinds were closed.

The worst day to not have a boxing class to go to. (Cara is on holiday with her daughters). 

I couldn't get myself settled and so I headed up to bed early planning on just watching some re-runs to relax to, and I took a knife up with me and put it my bedside drawer.

I slept well.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 13 ⏰

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