Wednesday 31st January

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Today was crazy at work, It seems to always be the case that everything has a tight deadline all together and then there be a sort of down period where it's just steady.

This is the deadline heavy period.

So today I was juggling cases, had three phone calls in a row all about different things and had a lot of paperwork to file and organise.

Unfortunately we are not fully in the digital age yet.

I always put Google maps on when I leave work just to check the traffic and it today it took me home a completely different route. Which is a little annoying but obviously took me around something and it felt incredibly quick because I had no idea where I was for most of it.

As I opened the door the boys pushed into my legs, wagging their tails vigorously. I managed to get the door closed and dumped my bags by the door to greet Duke and Chester properly.

We got ready and headed out fur a walk. The wind was icy tonight so we dashed around the town, I stepped in place whenever the boys stopped to keep my toes warm.

We got back home and I gave the boys their dinner before opening the fridge to decide on my dinner.

I have really been fancying sausage and mash with gravy and so I opened the freezer praying I will find some sausages. It was looking bleak when I opened the bottom drawer and saw a little tin foil parcel. It was sausages.

“Alexa, play my dancing playlist.”

The first song that came on was mmmbop by Hanson and I immediately started to bop and sing along.

I was trying to dance and peel potatoes at the same time and realised potato peel was going all over the place. I restrained myself enough to peel and cut my potatoes at the sink.

When dinner was all on the go I started to dance harder while cleaning up.

When 5,6,7,8 by Steps came on I put down the sponge I was using to clean the side and concentrated hard on trying to remember the steps.

When I was younger I spent a long afternoon trying to teach my dad the dance to this. I don't even remember if he ever got it right.

When the song finished I checked on my potatoes and sausages and found they were nearly ready. I got my gravy mixed up and checked if the mushrooms and onions were soft enough.

It all got shoved into a large pasta bowl and I went to sit at the table.

“Alexa, okay my dinner playlist.” I love movie scores. It felt like the perfect background music to eat and watch the sky change as the day turns to night.

I feel like tonight I went from 100 to 20 very quickly. But I actually really enjoyed it.

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