Saturday 20th January

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Today is my birthday!

I laid in bed for ages when I woke up reading my book, which is currently The Road Trip by Beth O’Leary.

When my tummy started to rumble I headed downstairs and shoved two buttermilk pancakes into the toaster and cooked a bit of bacon to have. I added some strawberries on the side.

I ate while watching TV and then got myself and the boys ready to head out for a walk. I decided to take them through the woods because it's such a lovely walk for them and we were out for an hour and a half before we got back home.

I then started getting myself ready to go for brunch with some friends. The 6 of us had been close friends since middle school (a few people have drifted away, but we have stayed strong) and I was heading to have brunch with them soon.

Penny had told us about a new place opening up in the little village Marlesford down the road and we decided to book in for brunch to celebrate.

Penny picked me, Harriet and Ally up and we headed to meet Holly and Lizzie.

It was a beautiful place, it had a very vintage style and the music playing was serene. We sat down and ordered our drinks before looking over the menu.

When we had ordered I was handed cards and a big birthday girl badge which I proudly adorned. We agreed ages ago that we would do something for everyone's birthday rather than do presents and this has really pushed us to do more than just dinner.

Our food arrived and we all tucked in, all taking turns chatting about life and laughing at each other's stories.

“I think I went on a date last night.” I said to the group. 5 heads turned in my direction.

“You think?” Holly asked. I told them the story of Warren heading over and George rescuing me.

“I went out thinking we were going out just because of all that as friends. But he said he was getting round to asking me and Warren just pushed it along”.

“Do you not like him like that?” Penny questioned.

“I've just never thought of him like that. We have a laugh at work and he's lovely, but he was in my friend category… he did kiss me. And it was good.” I blushed. There was a chorus of ooo’s.

“I definitely think you should go out again. Just to really see how you feel.” Holly said with a wink.

After we had our food we took a walk through the fields just to see what was about and get some fresh air.

Then I headed back home to the boys.
I got in and they came rushing over to me wagging their tails. We played tug with some of their toys. At one time I had my arms stretched out left and right as both boys were pulling at the toys I had in my hands.

I made myself chicken and bacon carbonara and settled down to watch some films for the evening.

The boys soon crept onto the sofa, and before I knew it, it was 2am and we had fallen asleep in a pile on the sofa. I quickly brushed my teeth, washed my face and climbed into bed.

Today was a good day.

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