Sunday 3rd March

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I woke up this morning and felt really achy. I decided to start the day with yoga, after laying in bed on my phone for ages, and started a video to follow.

After stretching I headed downstairs, fed the boys and fed myself. 

I then pretty much lounged on the sofa, with the TV on in the background and was scrolling on Instagram when suddenly the boys rushed to the door.

“Hi honey.” Mum called as she squeezed into the hall. The boys were going crazy around her, sniffing her closely, brushing against her legs, tails wagging rapidly.

“Hey mum.” We hugged the moment she was free of the boys and I quickly opened the back door to get them outside for a moment.

“So, a drink before we get started?” I said to her as we walked into the kitchen. She nodded and I popped the kettle on.

I had a peppermint tea and mum had a coffee, sitting on the sofa and catching up.

I told her about Callum and she asked me about James and we both chatted about work.

I love hearing about the cute little patients she gets to meet and play with all day. Although she's very good at avoiding telling me about the ones that don't make it. I would cry every time I'm awful!

“Right, shall we get started?” Mum said, putting her hands on her knees and getting up slowly.

I followed her into the kitchen and started pulling out equipment and ingredients and spread them out across the counter.

“So… caramel cupcakes and lemon muffins?” Mum asked as she washed her hands and then surveyed the equipment. 

I nodded to her and then gave the boys a treat each to keep them busy and then followed suit and tied my hair up before then washing my hands.

Mum led the baking and I was chief passer, giving her equipment and ingredients as she asked and then I was promoted to stirrer.

We chatted the whole time and mum mentioned she had been on a date herself.

“You can't just say that and nothing else. What does he do? What's he like?” I questioned.

“Well… he's a landscaper, you know, gardening, fences etc etc. We had drinks the other week which was nice, he's got a couple of kids too, a bit older than you and Tim, and then we went to dinner on Friday… I don't know if it'll be anything but he's nice.” 

I didn't probe her for too much more, we'll see how it goes. We popped the muffins in the oven and finished the preparation for the cupcakes.

I made us both ham and cheese toasties before we then headed out with the boys.

The muffins were left cooling on the side and we left the cupcake mixture out to put in the oven when we got back.

We drove to the beach and walked along the front. It was colder today than it has been for a while and we both wrapped our scarfs tightly round our faces.

The beach was busy and the boys got to meet and sniff a lot of new dog butts and we picked up some nice bread from the bakery.

We got back to mine and put the cupcakes into the oven before settling back onto the sofa and put the TV on but chatted over it. 

My phone dinged and I picked it up to see a message from Callum.

‘Hey, I had a great time the other night. Do you want to do something on Tuesday?’

‘Me too. I would love to. Will you be in the car this time?’ I added a wink emoji to try lighten the question.

After taking the cupcakes out I made a pasta bake while mum put the icing on the muffins and then put caramel in the middle of the cupcakes.

We ate dinner together and eventually both the boys were sitting across us on the sofa. We had to lean around the boys to see each other and started pulling silly faces around the dogs at each other. 

“Thank you for today mum. Love you.” I hugged her as she grabbed her bag, and she ducked out of the door.

I watched until she had gone and wandered around getting ready for bed. The cakes were already to go in the morning and we're out the way of the boys.

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