Tuesday 20th February

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Literally nothing exciting happened at work and it rained the whole day so I wasn't able to get out for a walk or a cycle like I had originally planned.

This also meant that when I got home to walk the boys, while it had actually stopped raining, it was wet. Really wet.

I get them all kitted out and I grabbed my coat and pulled on my wellies before slipping my headphones under my hood and flicking on a podcast. Well it is a podcast but it's actually an audio book that's been recorded in sessions and I did find it in the podcast app.

It's called Murder on Sex Island by Joanne Firestone. I'm only half way through but I'm hooked.

So we head out into the wet afternoon and unsurprisingly we meet not fellow dog walks on our travels. The boys looked at me surreptitiously waiting for me to say it's time to go home.

When we get back I hold the boys at the door so they don't dash in before getting their paws and under bellies dried. They whine throughout the gruelling process whereby I wipe each one down with a towel. Drama. When I release them they dash into and then around the house like Tasmanian devils. 

I grab a treat for them and pop some music on and head upstairs to start getting ready to go out with the girls. 

I stood in front of my wardrobe trying to find the right balance for a casual girls dinner. I decided on a dark floral midi dress and I paired it with black tights and black docs. 

I grabbed my hair brush and fiddled with my hair before deciding to put it up in a low messy bun and pull bits loose around my face. 

I look at the time and realise I just have enough time to mouthwash and pee before I have to feed the boys and leave.

I grabbed my bag and headed out. I drove to pick up Harriet and then we headed to the pub, the Parrot and Punchbowl.

I'd briefly mentioned Jame in the group chat before I found out about his promotion so I was prepared when one of the first questions, from Holly of course, popped out.

“So tell us more about James…” She winked at me from across the table.

I recounted meeting James for the rest of the girls and told them about the incredible time we've had together, how sweet he is. Then I told them about the promotion.

“We just don't know each other well enough to sacrifice either of our careers for each other. I'm sad. But at the same time I know we are still in the honeymoon phase so it might not have worked anyway…” There was a moment's silence.

“There's a new guy at my office that I think you would really like…” I quirked my eyebrow at Penny. “I thought this the moment I met him, but obviously you'd mentioned James. But now… can I give him your number, I'll set you up!” She said excitedly and grabbed her phone, opening it up and then glancing over at me.

“Ok.” I'm not sure, but it's part of my goal for the year. Why not put myself out there and have dinner with the guy and see.

I watched as she tapped away at her phone and then she closed it and placed it onto the table. She took a sip of her drink without looking up at anyone. 

“Oh. I just sent him your details.” She smiled and then winked at me. All eyes then turned on me. I laughed. Everyone laughed. 

We ate dinner, chatting and laughing non-stop. It's genuinely a therapy session when we are all together. 

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