Thursday 7th March

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Today I worked from home and I sat up at the dining table after some breakfast.

Nothing exciting happened and I was struggling to concentrate as it approached lunch time.

I decided I needed to get some energy and found a YouTube dance workout to follow and jumped around like a crazy person for 30 minutes. I was feeling super energised and had a quick shower and then ate a “burger” salad while I was replying to a few emails.

I tried this salad the other week and I made it my own after seeing it online, and I actually love it and it's so quick to prepare and easy to eat.

When I finished work I packed up and stood at the front door and called the magic word.


I listened to the thud as both boys jumped off the bed and came charging along the landing to crash down the stairs.

They bound into me before sitting and looking at me. I watched them for a moment and the excitement was barely contained as they stayed seated but kept shuffling about.

We headed out to a little woods that's not too far away and I pulled into the car park and saw it was fairly busy. The sky was clear and the clouds were white, but the breeze was ice as it blew around my neck.

The boys ran off down the path after I let them through the gate and I put some music on through my headphones.

We met a few dogs as we went and luckily down the woods they were all off lead so the boys would go over or they would be approached. There would be some butt sniffing, some chasing and then the boys would come with me and the other dogs would go the other way.

I got in and gave the boys their treat and did some tidying up.

I made sure the homemade lasagna I was defrosting was on its way and then grabbed my things to head out to my boxing class.

I walked in and said hello to Cara and then stopped. On the opposite side of the room Tina was in a downward dog position but walking around. As I said hello she had paused and looked up at me. When she then put her head down again she rushed towards me in the same position.

“I had a latte.” Was all she said as she stood up right in front of me.

“I see.” 

I put my bags down on the side, keeping an eye on Tina.

“And Chris made it too strong for you didn't he.” Vic said looking from Tina to me.

“Oh dear. Tonight will be interesting.” As I said this Tina was dancing across the room.

To warm up Cara has us play the “under over game” where she tells us an exercise like squats and then says a time like 33 seconds and we have to squat for what we think is 33 seconds. 

If someone calls time even 1 second over the time she tells us. It's 10 burpees. If we get under the time, it's 1 burpees for every second under.

“Time.” Cara looked around the room so we could call where we were in the count.

“28 seconds. That's 10 burpees.” 

“How on earth was I 10 seconds behind?” Georgia said as she started her first burpee.

“Why are we doing 10 burpees?” Jess asked.

“You were 1 second over. Anything over is automatically 10.”

“I don't remember that being in the brief.” 

“Thems the rules.” She said as she shrugged and laughed.

We worked in groups of 4 this week and it was a bit of a race against the other team. I looked over at Tina and Vic while I was waiting for my turn to box, and burst out laughing.

They were doing their high knee reps and counting the numbers allowed. Each time they did a rep they did a new hand position and were so close together I didn't understand how their knees weren't clashing.

When we were cooling off we started off with a slow walk around the centre square. Cara called for us to do arm circles and I lifted my arms up slowly and brought one down gently on top of Vic's head because she was so close in front of me.

As I got Vic's head, my ponytail was pulled gently from behind and I heard a laugh followed by a “oomph” noise and another laugh.

I turned slightly and we were all directly next to each other in this line. The initial arms circles were all met with others body parts until we managed to space out a little.

Then as we stretched…

“Oh you're tight aren't you.” Came from Tina.

Everyone started laughing while trying to hold their stretch.

“Oh really?” I said back.

We all said goodbye to each other and when I got home I headed straight for the shower feeling extra sweaty.

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