Saturday 23rd March

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This morning I got up to walk the boys early and try to really get all their energy out for the day. We headed down to the park, the long way round town and I threw their ball back and forth for them.

A pair of cockapoos came running over back to me with the boys and I looked up and saw a lady rushing over to me.

“I'm so sorry, they literally bolted when they saw you throwing the ball.” She shouted slightly as she tried to make ground.

“Oh don't worry. The boys like playing with other dogs.” I looked over to them and all four of the dogs were running and chasing. I couldn't really tell who was chasing who.

They played together for a while longer before the cockapoos headed off and I threw the ball literally until they wouldn't chase it anymore.

We plodded back home and the boys got a bone to chew on while I headed upstairs to get ready for girls brunch for Ellie's birthday.

I found out a floral dress and packed my little bag and headed out of the door.

The weather was slightly warm today so I decided I would walk into town to meet everyone for brunch. My phone buzzed.

I expected it to be Ellie or mum.

It was Christian. 

‘Ye-haw cowgirl, how y’all doing this fine spring morning?’ 

I laughed.

‘Happy to report I am doing well. I appreciate your consideration! How are you faring?’ I typed back as I continued to walk along.

We text back and forth the whole time I was walking into town and after sending another text I checked the time and looked over at the pub. 

“Auntie Ally.” A little voice squeaked. I spun around, just in time to catch Molly in my arms. I lifted her and spun her around a few times, and she giggled as I did.

“Hey Alice.” Ellie said as she reached us.

“Hey Ellie, happy birthday.” I winked at her and she rolled her eyes at me.

Megan was snuggled into her buggie and napping sweetly. I helped Ellie into the pub with the buggie and we saw mum and Ellie's mum, Kath, sitting together, both with a drink in hand.

Molly wiggled out of my arms and dashed towards the table calling out to nanny and grandma as she approached. They both turned and coo’ed at her as she pulled herself up onto a chair between them.

We sat down, leaving Megan sleeping in the buggie for now. We ordered food and sat, eating, chatting and having a few little drinks alongside it.

I heard my phone buzz again but left it in my bag. Molly sat between me and mum and was ‘colouring’ some lags pictures of bunny rabbits. 

She handed me a pink pencil and pointed to one of the flowers on the bunnies bonnet.

We sat there colouring until the food arrived and I helped Molly move her art to that side to eat.

The food was amazing and we had a good time giggling and sharing stories. Naturally Megan woke in the middle of brunch and proceeded to cry until she was eating. So as Ellie fed Meghan I fed Ellie so she would eat.

Tim had mentioned Ellie was struggling a little and so I had promised to keep an eye on her.

I think getting out today really helped.

As we were leaving the pub Molly spotted the swings on the other side of the carpark and she grabbed my hand, dragging me over and demanded to be pushed.

I checked my phone quickly while pushing Molly.

‘I should have kissed you again…’ 

I read it a few times and quickly put my phone back into my bag when Molly started calling for me to stop. I lifted her out and she ran for the slide. As I walked after her I thought back to the kiss with Christian.

I wish he'd kissed me again. I quickly typed.

‘I wish you'd kissed me again.’ 

Molly flew down the slide and laughed before running back around to go again.

“Auntie Ally watch, watch!” she called to me and I made sure she could see me watching.

“Wooo!” I cheered. “That was so fast!” 

“I know. I am so fast.” She screamed as she ran again to climb back up for the slide.

When Ellie said it was time to go home, a lot of coaxing was the only way to make Molly come down off the slide and I grabbed her and carried her over before she could change her mind.

I waved to Ellie as she shut the door after wrestling Molly into her seat and I headed home.

The wind had started to pick up and it was getting a bit colder but as I walked I warmed up a little and I enjoyed the sun on my face.

I checked my phone a few times but there was nothing else from Christian.

As I rounded the corner to my road I slowed. There was someone at my door.

As I got closer I realised they weren't looking at the door as if they had knocked but rather they were facing away from my door, glancing left and right.

Then as I got even closer I realised,


His head whipped round to find me and our eyes met. He smiled. Then he started walking towards me purposefully. 

I watched him walk towards me until we were only a step apart.

He closed the step.

His hands wrapped into my hair and he pulled me close to him, our lips crushing together. My lips parted along with his and I slowly moved my hands to hold onto his jacket gently.

It was simultaneously like time stood still while we kissed and like it was over in a second.

He stepped back and looked at me.

Then he turned around and started walking away.

“Christian?” I said slowly. Shocked.

He turned around laughing.

“I’m glad I kissed you again.” 

“I'm glad you kissed me.” I laughed. 

He actually did have to go because he was heading out with some friends and he kissed me quickly and gently before turning and hopping back into his car.

I got into the house still feeling his kiss on my lips.

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