Friday 26th January

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For as long as I can remember, I have rushed home from work to walk the dogs in the daylight.

I don't know whether they really care but for some reason I have realised this is what I was doing.

So today I got home from the office and I didn't go straight out with the boys. Admittedly this did confuse them. But, it's not like the routine is crazy strict, we do what we like a lot of the time.

I did a yoga workout I found on YouTube, then I made dinner and sat and ate it while watching Hot Chick. I then did a few other jobs around the house in preparation for the weekend and headed out with the boys as the sun was starting to duck behind the houses.

We wrapped up and headed out the house. Even with the dogs, when it's dark I don't go anywhere out of street lighting, which is actually a lot of streets here.

So we headed down towards the train station before looping round the main road and walking through the housing estates.

There was a fresh breeze in the air but it wasn't cold and light faded so slowly I couldn't catch the moment it went dark.

The boys continued along as if nothing was amiss, sniffing all the leaves and poles they found along their way.

I looked up and saw the stars start to sparkle into existence and for a moment I just stood looking up at the sky. Spinning my head left and right to capture the magic in as many ways as possible.

I would love to see the sky with no light pollution. How vibrant and full it would seem when there was nothing more between the eyes and the sky.

A few cars drove past us as we walked but we saw no one else on foot. No one else was out to enjoy dusk.

We arrived back home and the boys had their treats and I decided I was just going to head straight to bed to sit and read for a little while.

I think the fresh air did me some good. It quickly became hard to keep my eyes open.

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