Tuesday 23rd January

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Today I got into the office and the first person that I saw was George. He looked up as the door shut behind me and smiled.


“Hey.” I said, pausing at his desk.

“Do you fancy getting lunch today? I was thinking we could try the new sushi place?” He asks.

“Yeah, sounds good. I have a meeting at 12:30 so 1:30?”

“Perfect! See you at reception.” He smiled wide and turned back to his computer and I went to my desk.

I settled in to work and before I knew it I was joining my meeting just before lunch.

My meeting ran over a little so I dashed down to the reception as soon as it was over.

“Sorry I'm late George, the meeting ran over a little.”

“Oh don't worry.” We were already walking out the door. We walked around to the sushi place and found a seat by the window.

“So how was your birthday? You had afternoon tea with the girls, didn't you?” He asked after we had ordered.

“Oh it was so delicious, thank you for asking. I always love spending time with them so it was a great way to spend the day.” I couldn't believe he remembered.

“You'd go back?”

“Absolutely. It was really lovely food. One of the best afternoon teas I've had.” I say.

We talk more about the weekend and I find out George plays rugby every Sunday and they are coming up to some competitions soon. They've been training over the winter.

He showed me some of the injuries he sustained playing rugby. I know what rugby is like, but some of the random injuries, I just can't figure out how they all happen.

The food comes and George rolls his sleeve back down. We shared the sushi, trying a few new things and I laughed when George out some wasabi on his California roll without knowing what it was.

“You could have stopped me.” He said around his coughs. He's gulping down the water, eyes watering slightly.

I laughed so much I needed to have a puff of my inhaler and my belly started to hurt.

When we finally calmed down we had the last few bites and paid before heading back to the office.

The sushi restaurant is only a few minutes from the office, we were walking along when suddenly it started to rain. Hard.

George grabbed my hand and pulled me into a run. We dashed our way back to the office, George punched the door code in as quickly as possible, keeping one arm slightly over my head and we ducked back into the reception.

We stopped and looked at each other. And just started to laugh again.

“You look ridiculous.” I said as George started shaking his head like a dog.

He paused and looked at me when I said it and then stepped closer and shook his head at me.

I stepped back squealing and he straightened up and smiled mischievously at me.

“I'm going to head to the loos and try to dry off. I don't want to sit at my desk soaking wet.” I said to George and turned around.

He followed me through the door but headed in the other direction.

I dried off in the loos and winked at George as I walked past his desk to mine.

We walked out of the office together at the end of the day and he asked to take me out Saturday.

I drove home with a large smile on my face and took the boys out before doing anything else when I got home.

Some days I'm not even trying :)

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