Thursday 11th January

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For some reason today absolutely sucked. I arrived at work, not late because the hours are flexible, but later than I intended to start. So instantly I was annoyed, I needed the toilet and I was hungry because I eat breakfast when I arrive.

I then had to restart my laptop three times because it wasn’t allowing me access to the teams shared files. Although this allowed me to eat my breakfast without much fuss. It was still annoying. Then I had a phone call which didn’t go as planned and the outcome I needed wasn’t reached, but the compromise we came to was fine.

And we all know what fine means.

The same theme seemed to run into the afternoon and I had a lot of work that I wanted to get done specifically today and I ran into no end of problems with every task I tackled.

By the time I was leaving the office it was dark and I was exhausted.

I got home and felt instantly better when the boys greeted me at the door. I dropped my bag down and fussed them both as they circled me and leant their bodies against my legs. I tucked my bags out of the way and grabbed their leads to take them on a walk.

We walked around the town with the boys and when we got back home they went straight to their dinner bowls and watched me as I took my coat and boots of and padded into the kitchen. I grabbed their food and fed them and then grabbed my gym gear to change for boxing.

I arrived and spoke with the instructor, Cara, and then the rest of the girls started to arrive. Cara started setting out cones while we were chatting and catching up and then she started us off with a warm up game.
We have to cross the room, completing an exercise on the way, such as walking lunges. Then when we reach the other side we need to grab a cone which she has dotted around the room and frisbee it to our partner on the other side. If they miss the catch we have to do a burpee.

This leads to laughs at silly walks we end up doing across the room with lots of oh, ohs, as we try and catch the ‘frisbee’ that is coming towards us. The hole in the middle really alters the direction that it flys in.

I counted up the cones that me and Vic had caught up and we turned around and Amanda was holding the cones against her breasts inverted.

“Can you imagine having boobs like this?” She asks to the room.

We all start laughing and she continues to tuck them under her top to emphasis the ridiculousness. Vic walked over and honk honked her cone boobs and Cara had to come and take them away from us before we were incapable of boxing.

The class finished and I headed back home to make shower and eat. I put a jacket potato in the oven and headed into the shower. I did a simple beans and cheese and plonked myself onto the sofa in front of the tv for the rest of the evening before heading into bed.

They say laughter is the best medicine. It certainly made me feel better today.

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