Saturday 6th January

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So I met Keiran at my friend's wedding last year. He's a friend of her husband's and I'm pretty sure he had told Keiran to ask me to dance before they did their first dance.

After we danced he brought me a drink and we went outside for some fresh air and just got to chatting.
I know everyone says this and I have always wondered what that actually meant.
But instead of just small talk questions, a question to him about university had us both howling as we were exchanging ridiculously embarrassing stories of university life.

Time just flew by and we danced and laughed and he walked me up to my room at the end of the night.

I sat with him, his friends and the rest of my friends for breakfast and before we all left the venue he asked me out on another date.

This wasn't it. This is going to be our third date.
The first date after the wedding was dinner. He took me to a local pub, which was super cosy and we sat by the fire, had a few drinks and a delicious meal. He took me home and we said goodnight.
No kiss.

Then the next day he messaged me saying he'd had a great night and could we hang out again. So after we arranged the second date, we kind of just kept messaging. A lot.

The second date we went to the arcade and played pretty much every game at least once. He even won a Winnie the Pooh toy in the grab machines and presented it to me.
We had fish and chips along the beach. Freezing our butts off sitting to eat them along the waterfront wall.
He walked me home.
“Alice. I'm really enjoying spending time with you.” He was still holding my hand and he looked down at our hands together as he said this.
“Me too Keiran.” I said gently. He looked up at me and smiled. He then stepped forward, brought his other hand to my cheek and kissed me gently.
“I'll talk to you tomorrow. Goodnight.” I said goodnight back and watched him walk to his car.

Then Christmas happened and I couldn't go to the party with him for the new year because my sister in law went into labour So I took babysitting duties of my niece Molly.
Keiran did offer to come and be with me but he was co-hosting so I insisted he stayed.

So today we had our third date.

I was really nervous when I was getting ready. He was cooking at his place. This meant spending the whole day agonising over what to wear to look a mixture of cute, sexy and casual.

I finally settled on a black floral strap dress which I layered a long sleeve black top underneath. Black tights and black heeled boots and then my coat.

Keiran came and picked me up and said he would order me a uber later to get me home.

He arrived right on time. Opened my door for me and showed me to his house.

He's sharing with two other guys and so suffice to say I was surprised when he showed me in and it was clean.
And to be honest, it was the kind of clean that wasn't just a rush job done earlier today.

He took my coat and poured me a drink then showed me around.

Keiran had made lasagna. He said that I had mentioned it was my favourite. I don't remember this coming up but apparently it did and I'm both impressed and happy with this result. There was some music playing in the background which I only noticed when some angry rapping came through the speakers loudly. I looked over to Keiran and he just carried on eating and didn't seem to notice.
“Erm… Keiran? Do you mind if you change the music?” I asked.
“What's wrong with this?” He looked across at me.
“Well it's a bit angry for a date don't you think?” He looked at me for a moment. Then sighed, put his cutlery down and went to the speakers. He swapped it over to some indie rock and seemed to turn it down slightly too.
I do acknowledge this was weird but I wasn't going to read too much into it as he did turn it off.

After dinner we sat on the sofa and chatted while eating profiteroles and strawberries. It was easy and light and before we knew it, we were making out. After this I don't really remember us talking until I glanced at my watch and saw the time. Midnight.

“I'd better be going.” I said to Keiran. He looked at his phone and then nodded, and booked the Uber while I went to the bathroom.
“Hey, where are your housemates?” I said as I walked back into the room.
“Oh. I bribed them to stay away until about 1am. You know, just in case.” He winked at me as he said this.

I suppose it's not unreasonable for him to think we might sleep together this early. We've been talking non-stop for weeks and I did agree to go to his for dinner. But I'm sure I told him my sort of timeline when dating people very early on.
I didn't respond and just walked towards my bag and coat. Keiran followed behind me.

He walked me down to the Uber and we kissed goodnight and I slipped into the Uber.

I exchanged pleasantries with the Uber driver and he informed me I was the last job of the night. Then we rode in silence.
I got home and messaged Kieran to let him know.
I was sitting in bed scrolling before I got a reply.

But it was a sweet message.

Goodnight love diary.

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