Tuesday 13th February

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Today I arrived at work and the office was already busy. I walked through and found Liz sitting at her desk next to mine. She's had a week off and I assume worked from home a bit. 

“Hello stranger.” I said as I put my stuff on my desk.

“Hello there. So obviously first things first is the gossip. Want a tea?” She asked standing up.

“Mint please.” I handed her the tea bag and she walked off to the kitchen while I got myself set up for the day. 

She got back and set my tea on my coaster. Then she sat back in her desk chair and turned to me.

“So… George?” She raised an eyebrow at me. 

“Oh you really have missed a lot!” I wheeled my chair a bit closer to hers and lowered my voice to recount the story.

Her jaw dropped when I told her about George at the pub and she did a silent cheer when I told her about the kiss with James.

“Well… is there actually anything else that's happened?” Liz said laughing. 

“James is moving in 2 weeks. He got a promotion to the job he's worked his whole career for and it's in London.” I said it matter of factly. Liz looked at me for a long time before she spoke again.

“London isn't that far away…” 

“We've decided to just be friends…” I coughed into my fist and looked at her sideways. “Once he's gone I mean.” 

“I see. Get it girl.” She winked at me just as her phone started to ring. She shrugged at me and picked it up, slipping into her customer service voice.

After work I nipped into town to try and find something for James for valentine's day. I had completely forgotten all about it until I woke up to a text from him this morning saying he'd booked us a table for dinner. 

He's coming over tonight because he's finished for a few days and I have to be prepared.

I walked into New Look and headed straight for the lingerie section. I have always loved the underwear bits they have here and I didn't want pink.

There was a black teddy set that came with a garter and I found a black slip robe that would match. 

That was step one completed.

Then I went and bought a hamper basket which I decided I would fill with the alcohol and treats he likes, haribo and jerky the first things coming to mind. 

Then I had a thought. There's a trend online about men never being given flowers. And so I went to the florist and selected a few of the pre-made bunches they had out and asked them to put them together into one large bunch and put a blue ribbon on it.

I walked back to the car feeling like I really achieved something. I stopped at Tesco to get the treats before heading home.

I quickly set up the basket before heading out with the boys and decided to just have an easy dinner of soup when I got back. 

I decided to give myself an hour to do some more embroidery before I got ready for bed and I put Sex Education on, on Netflix. I know, late to the game.

I grabbed my shoes and the required equipment, put my timer on and started on a new flower.

The timer buzzed and I finished the flower I was working on before I stopped. Then I also decided to finish the episode I was on before I got myself ready for bed.

James was due to arrive soonish but obviously if he's in the middle of something he actually can't finish his shift on time so I leave the key (in the safe place I will not be telling you) and jump in the shower.

I put music on quietly before hopping in. Not so loud that if James arrived he would spook me, but not so quiet I couldn't hear it.

I got out of the shower and found Duke and Chester both laying in the hall. No James then.

I sat at my vanity unit and dried my hair. Duke hates the hair dryer and is most likely on the sofa downstairs now. Chester on the other hand enjoys it and so while I dry my hair he will tap my leg with his pay to be hair dryered. Then I stop and do my hair a little more. And he paws me again. 

Drying my hair takes so long with this method.

I jumped when Chester woofed loudly next to me. Then I heard the faint rattle of the keys.

I smiled as I heard James greet Duke and Chester who had bounded out of the room shortly after his bark announcing James’ arrival.

I was just putting the hair dryer away when James walked into the doorway.

“I thought you would already be asleep.” He said to be from the doorway before walking over. He bent down and gave me a quick kiss before standing up to survey the towel I was still wearing.

“Chester needed to be hair dried too.” I laughed and James looked at me slightly puzzled. Then his face changed.

“That explains why his head was warm when I patted it just now.” He looked over to Chester who was now watching him from the bed. Duke was sitting at his feet looking up at him with his rabbit teddy hanging out of his mouth.

“I was just about to get into bed.” I inclined my head towards James. 

“I'll come lay with you for a bit. Then I'll head down and watch some TV and eat. I brought some chicken bits to put in and some chips.” 

I changed into my pyjamas and then we got under the covers. I laid in the crook of his arm and closed my eyes. He started to tell me a little bit about his shift and the last thing I can remember was him telling me about a red cat that wouldn't get out of the way for him.

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