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" Mom? " Jennie whispered

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" Mom? " Jennie whispered. 

" My baby Ruby. " Aunty called her. Her arms were wide open like she want to hug her. 

"Mom. " Jennie suddenly run towards her mom and hugged her tight. 

" You are alive. "

" You are alive.

" You are alive.

" You are alive. " Jennie said continually while hugging her mom tightly. I didn't even notice my  tears were also flowing. 

" Oh my baby. " Aunty said while caressing Jennie's back. 

" I missed you so much. " Aunty said and kissed Jennie's head. 

" I missed you so much. " Jennie said. " B-but How? " She asked. 

I know what did she want to know. 

" It's a big story. " Aunty said. 




" Mom when will we got their? " Baby Liam asked his mom 

" Oh come on Li don't be like this. You will see you Nini soon. " Baby Chaeng said while rolling her eyes. Everyone laughed. 

" I am just so exited Chaeng. I have not seen her for 1 year. " Li said while pouting. 

" Don't act like that. And CL aunty is talking to her right now. " Chaeng said while pointing at her aunty.  

" Whom are you talking? " Li's mother asked her best friend.

" Oh it's my baby Jennie. " CL told her. 

" Let me also tal......" Li's mother didn't finished her words when a big truck hit the car. There car rolled so many times. All the people inside the car were still alive. 

" M-Mom. " Li said while holding his head. 

" B-Baby I am here. " Her mom said while hugging her few months daughter. 

" M-Mom m-my leg hurts. " Chaeng said while holding her leg. Mr. park opened at back door. 

" B-Baby get o-out from the car. " Mr. Park said. 

" D-dad my leg is h-hurting. " Chaeng said. Li got out of the car. 

" Ahh my head. " Li said while holding his head. Then he extend his hands towards Chaeng. 

" Take her. " He told her. Chaeng hold his hand. He pulled her towards himself. After sometime Chaeng was also out. 

" FIND THEM FAST. " Suddenly they all heard some voice. 

" Li-Li baby hold her. " Li's mother gave her daughter to his son. 

" Chaeng take her. " Mr. park said and gave Mrs. Kim's daughter to his own daughter. 

All parents were stuck inside. All were injured badly. They protected their own child. 

" L-Li listen to me. " Mrs. Brüschweiler called his son.

" Mom? " Li asked his mom. 

" B-baby take t-them away f-from here a-and don't look b-back. Y-you have y-your phone r-right?  " She asked him. Li nodded. 

" Turn o-on the e-emergency button and r-run away from here. And t-take care of them. " She told him. 

" But I can't leave you here Mom. " Li said while crying. 

" Don't c-cry baby. Y-you are a s-strong boy. Please do a-as Mama s-said. " Mrs. Brüschweiler said while tears were running from her eyes. 

" Chaeng let's go. " Li said while holding her sister tight. 

" W-what? Where? " Chaeng asked him. 

" Just follow me. " He said. 

" N-no I will not leave w-with Mom and Dad. " Chaeng said. 

" B-Baby do w-with him. And take c-care of e-each other. " Mr. Park said. Mrs. Park and Mrs. Kim were already unconscious. 

" B-But dad. "  

" L-lets go Chaeng. " Li said while walking towards the forest. Chaeng followed him while holding Mrs. Kim's daughter tightly. 

" W-what will h-happen L-Li? " Chaeng asked him while holding a baby girl in her hands. 

" They will be fine. " Li said while walking fast. After walking for hours they saw a road. 

" See Chaeng their is a road. " Li said while pointing at the road. They were just going to walk towards the road when they head helicopters voice. 

" I think they locate me. " Li said while looking at helicopters. Some people got out from the helicopter with the help of rope stairs. 

" Young master. " I man run towards Li. 

" Thank god you are alright. " He said before hugging them. 

" Where is your mom? " The man asked him. 

" T-they are i-in the c-car. People w-were there. T-they w-were searching f-for us. " Li said while stuttering. 

" Okay they all are fine we will find them. Let's go home. " He said. He told his man to take them to the mansion. After sending them he searched for their parents. 

He saw smoke coming from  the forest. 

" Let's go there. " He told his man. He saw a car from which smoke is coming. He ran with his man's towards the car. 

" Oh my god. " He said when he saw Mrs. Brüschweiler inside the car with Park family. He checked them but they all were dead and Mrs. Kim was missing. 

Cold and Rude ( Jenlisa ff Jenliam ff)Where stories live. Discover now