Update: 2024 (Discontinued)

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Hi guys, I know alot of you enjoy this story and have contacted me about whether or not I am still writing this.

This story has been discontinued. I will no longer be updating this story. It is NOT complete, so read at your own risk.

I started writing this when I was in high school and this story was my rock for a very long time. Therefore I will be keeping it up on my account for anyone to read in the future.

My passion and dedication has changed since beginning this project. This was the first story I have ever been so dedicated and attached too. This is what got me into writing. My heart aches knowing this is the end for this story. I will always hold a special place in my soul for it.

I cried when I wrote that this would be discontinued. Just knowing it's over pains me in a way I can't articulate into words. I know I could write more in the future and that the option is always there, but I have been writing this for years now. Updating every now and then. It's always been there, deep in the back of my mind.

And now apart of me feels somewhat empty without it.

I know I'm rambling, but I don't care. I need to get it out. I cried to my sister about it and she said "IT'S THE END OF AN ERA!" and she's absolutely right..

I don't know what else to say..

I'm sorry guys.

I hope you enjoy/ed it regardless.

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