Volume One Chapter 5 - An Unanswerable Question

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"Um... father. What did you just say...?"

In the study at the second floor of the Manor, there was the feeling of discomfort loitering around and it's already in the middle of the summer. It's not that the climate was at fault, and it's already late at night. Yet, I was sweating cold sweats.

"As I said earlier. Charlotte, my daughter... you are to leave the house to train under the guidance of my old friend at a neighboring town. The distance is around a week away so pack your belonging for the departure is... tomorrow."

"So suddenly!? Why!? I don't think I have cleared your training, right, father!?"

"The way you are now you won't lose to bandits or common demi-humans, Charl."

Even mother as well!? I was flabbergasted by the announcement after dinner and despite everyone gathering together in the study, I was the only who's not calm for the least bit! I feel betrayed! Did I do wrong?! Was I behaving too rebellious to my parents!?

As frustrated as I was, father then cast his gaze to Fei.

"And you too, brat. You are going to accompany my daughter. This mission requires protection and you have no reason to back down right?"

"......for how long do I have to work as a guard?"

"The fastest is probably until Charlotte reached 10 years old. But in worse case, maybe you will have to stay together for five years."

......I glanced at Fei. The black haired boy was showing disdain and he was really irritated to the point of looking like Ni'o. He's scary!!

"Why do I have to stick with her? It's not my obligation."

"Because it'll be suspicious for an entire noble family venturing to other town. Don't you even know our political standing, ignorant brat?"

"Yeah, yeah. Whatever you say... geezer."

Uwaaa... he's annoying. He even frowning like an old man and he threw a tantrum as well. Father was nearly having a Burst Rage Mode but mother suddenly cut in.

"I'm sorry, Fei. I know that you are in the end, an Adventurer. Of course we are not forcing you to accept this mission. But... do you mind taking care of my daughter for a while longer...?"

"Got it. I shall fulfill your wish, milady."

"Fast!! Why do you swing your tail so easily when confronted by mother!? And don't I have any saying in this matter!?"

" " " "Nope. I'm certain you have no saying in this matter." " " "


At that time, I finally realized that there's no one that I could seriously consider as my ally in this world.








And so a day passed in a blink of an eye. More or less, after countless failures to convince my parents, I gave up to my fate and obeyed their order. Honestly, I hate this kind of sudden plan. It's as if I was led into a trap set by a hunter...

"No, wait! So the feast yesterday was a farewell banquet!?"

How could I not notice!? People always partied and drinking if there's a big event! Be it entering school, graduating from it, working or even wedding event! When suddenly tasked to buy food ingredients in a large amount... That should have hinted the Flag yet I failed to notice it! I'M SUCH AN IIIIIIDDDIIIIIOOOOOOTTTTT!!

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